2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


PERSONAL BRAND Use the skills you have identified to develop what is called a “personal brand.” When you have a personal brand; you are an individual with unique experiences and abilities.

Savvy job seekers will work to develop their personal brand by asking: “What makes me unique? How can I convince employers I am the best candidate for this job?”

Personal branding is valuable to a job search because it helps you define who you are – and set you apart from other candidates. Simply, it is the process by which individuals identify and communicate their unique skills to others. How do you want people to identify you? Are you the Realtor who is the most up to date with online strategies? Are you the go-to customer service rep when your organization has to deal with a challenging customer? Once you define your brand, how do you market it? One option is creating a LinkedIn profile that concentrates on the information you want people to know about you. Another option is to have a standard response when introductions are being made and you are asked “What do you do?” This is an opportunity to introduce your brand, so be prepared for it. When appropriate, hand out business cards that state your brand and include contact information. If you wish, list the social networking sites you use so that contacts can “friend” you or become your follower. Ensure that the information you share on social media is consistent with your personal brand and professional. Many people’s social media accounts include personal content that can blur their personal brand message and diminish the impact they are trying to create.

31 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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