2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

Developing and maintaining your personal brand isn’t just something you do at one moment in time, but a career-long responsibility. While a personal brand is helpful during your job search, you need to continue to refresh it even after you have won a new job. Make sure your social media accounts, business cards and other personal brand tools are always honest and updated. Your personal brand will evolve as you gain new skills. But take care not to spend company time updating your LinkedIn profile or otherwise promoting your personal brand, this is not appropriate on the job and can be cause for disciplinary action. A Final Note on Personal Branding Many people have become web-savvy and are self-promoters of their personal brand on the internet. But before you start posting videos on YouTube promoting yourself or attempt to become an Instagram influencer, ask yourself: Are others in your field engaged in such highly public personal branding? If not, and if you’re not going into self-employed consulting, it may be better to skip the videos and other public self-promotion and focus on promoting your personal brand in other more traditional spaces such as at networking events, on LinkedIn and through individual communications.


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