2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



1. Combination – The combination resume is a great choice for job seekers whose most recent work isn’t the most relevant to the job they are currently seeking. You list the skills that are most important under their own headings first, then back that up with an employment history section that list dates of employment. Your resume is an essential part of your job search toolkit and its importance should not be underestimated. You will need one for whatever kind of job you are looking for. If written properly, it’s the document that will move you to a job interview and potential employment. Employment History Gather all of your position titles and dates of employment for the past 10-15 years. Be as specific as you can, as some employers require more information than others. If needed, call former employers for dates. For a fee you can also obtain this information from the Social Security Administration. Skills Review the list of the 20 job-related hard and soft skills you identified using the information in Chapter 3 and match them with past positions you’ve held. Future employers want to know what skills you displayed in your work and how those skills saved money, improved efficiency, or benefited their customers in some way. Ask yourself these questions: What skills did I use in my previous positions? Are they important to the employers or jobs that I am considering? Four Steps to Get Started Regardless of where you’re starting in developing your resume you first have to gather and organize lots of different types of job-related information.



45 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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