2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


»  Put your full first and last names on their own line at the top of the page. Your name can be in a different font type than the body of the resume. Type your name in bold or CAPITAL LETTERS to make it stand out, and make it larger point type than the body of the resume. »  If you include your address , do not use any abbreviations other than the two letter state abbreviation. »  Include all 10 digits of the phone number you use most. Make sure to record a professional voicemail greeting on that line and check for messages often. When listing a single line, there is no need to list it as a home or mobile number. »  Use a professional personal email address . Creating an account with some version of your name is best. Avoid using numbers or nicknames. Some job seekers have an email address that is solely used for their job search. Gmail and Outlook are considered more up to date than AOL or Yahoo. »  If your LinkedIn profile is complete and relates to the job you are creating the resume for, then your LinkedIn page address can also be added. You may hyperlink to your email address and LinkedIn page to make it easy for an employer to contact you.

Elizabeth Applicant 1443 HireMe Lane Somewhere, MN 55555 555-555-5555


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