2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


What are you going to do with the rest of your life? That’s a good question to ponder at any age. It’s probably on your mind if you are reading Creative Job Search, attending a job search class or in a job that you don’t like but cannot afford to leave — just yet. If you are unemployed you have some decisions to make, especially if you work in a career field where the employment opportunities are diminishing. This is also a relevant question if you’re a recent college graduate or just aren’t sure your career is headed in the right direction. Planning should even be embraced by job seekers who like their careers but may need to consider where they want to go for their next job. After all, with the rapid advances in technology and many other changes, the employment you have today could end and you might have to shift to a new profession. Career planning requires thoughtful consideration. Should you consider a new career or continue to look for opportunities in your field? We’ll try to address some of these questions in this chapter to help you decide what comes next.

5 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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