2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

TARGETING YOUR RESUME Targeted resumes are a necessity for most job openings. This is because technology has changed the way many employers review applications. If the employer uses an applicant tracking system (ATS), a resume first must pass electronic screening and ranking before it is read by the hiring authority. These ATS software programs help an employer identify individuals with certain skills and experience for their job openings.

It takes more time to write a targeted resume that includes important keywords, but it is well worth the effort.

The most efficient way to create a targeted resume is to work from your “master resume”: an existing document that contains all of your information in the resume sections noted earlier in this chapter. To create a targeted resume, make a copy of your master resume and make edits as needed to align your skills and experience to a specific set of requirements you find in the job posting. So, in effect, you are using the employers words in the job posting to describe your skills and experience. For example, you may need to change “Trainer” on your master resume to “Facilitator” on your targeted resume if the job posting uses the term facilitator. The keywords in your targeted resume will help you stand out in an ATS because it’s set up to identify specific skills of applicants. RESUME USE After you complete your master resume, you have the core content to build an attractive and targeted resume. Use resume to create a visually pleasing and easy to read document. After you have completed the resume, you will have the flexibility to distribute your resume as a Microsoft Word or Google


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