2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


document, save it as a PDF, send it as an email attachment, cut and paste sections of it into online job applications, or print it for networking meetings, postal-mail job applications or an interview. BASIC RESUME WRITING When writing resumes, there are a few things to keep in mind and a few things to avoid. Resumes are a tool to get you an interview with employers by highlighting your skills and experience in the most economical way possible. Here’s a guide for how to craft a strong resume.

Keep It Brief: One to two pages is the maximum length unless you are a professor or a doctor. If your resume extends beyond one page, make sure that you fill at least half or more of the second page. If you cannot do this, edit your resume to one page. Targeting: Target your job search and your resume to your specific occupational goals. Target resumes to the level of employment, occupation or employer. Make changes to your master resume when you’re pursuing a different occupation or you’re going for a position less advanced than your former job. (This pertains in particular to workers applying for jobs that might pay less than they earned in the past.) Consider taking out information not pertinent to the job you’re applying for and add in anything that illustrates the skills that the position requires. Provide a Visual Impact: A resume has 15 seconds to convince hiring managers and employers that you should be interviewed, so make it readable. Use white space and bullets. Use indentation. Check Your Grammar and Spelling: Double and triple check for typographical, grammatical and spelling errors and ask for another person to proofread it. Ensure Integrity: Accentuate the positive, skip the negative and be honest. Make It Scannable and ATS Friendly: If you scan an existing paper copy to make a digital version of your resume, make sure that the text is selectable (you can select words). If the file is simply a picture

and not digitized text, the ATS program will not be able to identify any words and your resume may be disregarded. Get Access to a Computer: Having a computer and internet connection at home is extremely beneficial to your job search. If a personal computer does not fit your budget, buy a USB drive and save your resume on it. Whenever you have access to a computer, you can work on your resume by plugging the drive into a USB port. With access to the internet, you can also store your resume within a host of online storage options (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox). There are several places to get computer access for free. Computers are available at CareerForce locations, public libraries, county human service offices, and many community organizations. You may also have access to a computer through friends and family, at your or your children’s school, or at a local religious organization. Print Carefully: Use 24-pound or higher grade, 100% cotton fiber paper for a clear, sharp image. Avoid colored paper or glossy, high shine finishes. Plain white is the standard used today. Paper size should be the standard letter size, 8½” x 11”. Public libraries and CareerForce locations have printers available. Office supply and copy shops may also be able to print directly from your USB drive on to your resume paper. Test a copy before making dozens of them and collate correctly. Do not print your resume using both sides of paper.

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