2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


TIPS • Use the best format to showcase your skills. • Include your employment-related accomplishments. • Keep it brief (one to two pages). • Use 8½” x 11” paper.

• Correct all typographical, grammatical and spelling errors. • Emphasize your skills. • Lead with your strongest statements that are related to the job. • Clearly communicate your purpose and value to employers. • Make your resume relevant to the job by targeting your qualifications to those listed on job posting. • Always include a cover letter when submitting your resume (if allowed). • Submit in the .pdf or .docx format, unless otherwise instructed by the employer.

THINGS TO AVOID • Using abbreviations (exceptions include middle initial or two letter state codes). • Using personal pronouns such as “I” to refer to you. • Mentioning wage history. • Using custom fonts or exotic colored paper. • Sending a photograph of yourself unless it’s relevant (e.g., on-air personality, etc.). • Making statements that you cannot prove. • Including personal information (age, height, weight, family status). • Highlighting religious or political affiliations unless the organization has similar values. • Mixing the tense of verbs (past and present) for the same position. • Including references on the resume. Make a separate reference sheet. • Including hobbies or social interests unless they address a need identified on the job posting. • Stapling or folding your resume. • Using the same action verbs multiple times. • Using the passive voice (e.g., Responsible for, or Tasked with).


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