2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


SUBMITTING YOUR RESUME When contacting an employer in-person, always have a copy of your resume available and take the initiative to offer it to them. Bring extra copies in the event you are exposed to additional connections while there. When applying for a job with a paper application, also include your resume if permitted. The resume will add impact and should complement the application. Avoid stating “see resume” on your application. Filling out the entire document is still required. Give a copy of your resume to your references. It provides them with additional information about you and will help them to talk to an employer about your qualifications. Hand or send emailed copies of your resume to networking contacts. It’s an excellent visual aid to use when discussing your qualifications. Ask your contacts to critique your resume.

Finally, follow-up, follow-up, follow-up. It’s no use mailing resumes if you don’t take the time to try to directly speak to a contact at the employer.

Consider following up your resume submissions with a phone call to the employer. Be courteous and professional while selling your qualifications. Be sure to ask for an interview. Don’t be offended if the employer isn’t open to having a conversation at this point. Simply making the attempt will show that you are very interested in the opportunity and that can set you apart from other candidates.

59 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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