2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Using MNsure, you can search for health insurance options according to ZIP code and other criteria. If you are not a Minnesota resident, visit the federal government health care insurance exchange website, www.healthcare.gov . Should you receive a severance package, use it carefully. You have no idea how long you will remain unemployed. The key is to budget your money. How much do your mortgage, rent, food, insurance, entertainment and transportation cost? What can you live without? Being unemployed may force some hard choices about getting rid of certain expenses and may also limit your entertainment options.

A strategy going forward is to cut unnecessary costs early on just in case unemployment lasts longer than you expected.

PHYSICAL CHALLENGES Unemployment can cause health issues due to the stress and uncertainty of being without a job. How can you avoid that? Start an exercise routine to keep your body in shape. Now might not be the time to pay for a gym membership. Check into what is available for free in your community, from the local rec center to walking and biking trails near you. Job seekers tend to spend all day looking for work, making networking calls, attending job search workshops - and then fit in exercise if there is any time left. Dedicating some time every day to care for yourself physically will pay off by keeping you healthy and energized during your job search.

7 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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