2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP (Op1onal if applying for posi1on out of your area)

PHONE NUMBER (Easiest to reach you and with a professional voice mail gree1ng)

YOUR EMAIL (Use or create a professional email for use in your job search)

YOUR LINKEDIN PUBLIC URL (Do this only if you have a complete LinkedIn Profile)

OBJECTIVE Posi1on 1tle (name of the job you are applying for) with (name of company with the job opening) in (name of the city and state where the company is located). SKILLS SUMMARY One way to format this sec1on is to list the skills you have that mirror the words used in the employer’s job pos1ng. Another format is to group skills under a topic heading. Computer soSware skills can be part of a skills summary. Use 3 – 5 lines in a resume to summarize your skills.


EDUCATION YOUR DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE Your College, City, State (Omit year if more than 5 years ago) • Include your GPA if over 3.0 and degree, cer1fica1on or cer1ficate was completed in last 5 years • If no degree, keep same format and include how many credits earned or an1cipated gradua1on date. • If a high school diploma or equivalent is your highest educa1on level, be sure to include it. Omit lis1ng your high school if you have aaended a post-secondary educa1onal ins1tu1on.

Year-Yea r

Company Name, City, State

• Keep the number of bullet points about the same for each job. Use more points for your previous job that is most like the job opening. • Search Onetonline.org using to match past job, with list of tasks. • Find tasks you have done in the past. Match these tasks with the qualifica1ons and requirements in the job pos1ng. Do this for each job applica1on. • Customize your resume for each job applica1on. Include only your past tasks that best match what the employer is asking for in the job pos1ng. • One line per bullet is ideal, two lines are ok, but you will have fewer points if they are all two lines. • Start each bullet point with a verb. Follow that with why, how, or what the impact was to the organiza1on. TITLE OF PRIOR JOB Year-Yea r Company Name, City, State • Quan1fy what you have done such as increased sales 20% in one quarter. Numbers jus1fy your skill level. • Use present tense OR past tense, i.e. Present vs. Presented. Use one tense throughout your resume. • Arrange skills in the same order you see in the job pos1ng. Required at the top followed by preferred. • Feel good about what you are presen1ng. Be posi1ve about all your skills!

AWARDS, CERTIFICATIONS & ADDITIONAL TRAINING (List training, awards and cer1fica1ons that best match the job opening requirements.) • ACT’s Na1onal Career Readiness Cer1ficate (NCRC) Silver Level Year • ForkliS Cer1fied Year • Training Year • Cer1ficate Year


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