2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


YOUR FIRST & LAST NAME Address, City, State, Zip

Phone Number Email Address

OBJECTIVE Posi:on :tle (name of the job you are applying for) with (name of company with the job opening) in (name of the city and state where the company is located).

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Skill Area One • Pick 3-6 of your skills and the corresponding accomplishment statements that best match the job-pos:ng announcement. • Look at the first skill or requirement that you see in the job pos:ng. What you see first is oKen the most important qualifica:on or skill that the employer wants to find when they adver:se a job opening. • Check out www.OnetOnline.org if you need helpful lists of the tasks, tools and technology, knowledge, skills and abili:es and work ac:vi:es for your current or previous job :tles. Skill Area Two • Place your strongest skill at the top of each Skill Area sec:on. • Use relevant informa:on from any job that you listed in your employment history. • Do not include a Skill Area that is not supported by past employment. Skill Area Three • A resume is a marke:ng tool, a personal “brochure.” Make it easy to read and understand. • Avoid uncommon acronyms. The hiring decision maker who reads your resume must quickly understand what you have to offer, your experience, your skills and your qualifica:ons. • Start each statement with a verb that shows the reader what you did, why you did it or what your results were. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (Typically, go back no more than 10 years for your employment history. Include jobs back to 15 years if they are relevant to the job opening or you need the years of experience to be qualified.)

• Job Title, Company Name, City, ST • Job Title, Company Name, City, ST • Job Title, Company Name, City, ST


EDUCATION Your Degree, CerGficaGon or CerGficate, Your College, City, State (Omit year if more than 5 years ago) • Include your GPA if over 3.0 and degree, cer:fica:on or cer:ficate was completed in last 5 years • If no degree, keep same format and include how many credits earned or an:cipated gradua:on date. • If a high school diploma or equivalent is your highest educa:on level, be sure to include it. Omit lis:ng your high school if you have a_ended a post-secondary educa:onal ins:tu:on. AWARDS, CERTIFICATIONS & ADDITIONAL TRAINING (List company-sponsored training, awards or cerGficaGons that best match the job opening requirements.)


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