2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



AMINA BUYER 1160 Saddleridge Court, Watertown City, MN 12345 320-000-0000 aminabuyer@email.com www.linkedin.com/mn/aminabuyer

OBJECTIVE Purchasing Agent with The Parts Company in Watertown City, Minnesota. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Inventory Management

• Meet internal and external customer same day demands by ensuring materials are in stock. • Awarded performance bonus for maintaining me@culous inventory and sales records. • Prepare purchase orders for over 12,000 stock-keeping units (SKUs). • Administer procurement and resolve shipping errors. • Assist with prepara@on of annual inventory budget in excess of $1M. Obtain owner approval. Accoun?ng • Record daily and monthly transac@ons for accurate receipt and disbursement informa@on. • Administer customer leases, monthly billing statements, and late payment fees. • Nego@ate contracts, fees and authorize payment. • Manage receivable balance, administer collec@ons, and monitor cash flow. • Analyze and present financial reports to onsite management and off-site ownership. Customer Service Communica?on Skills • Assess, recommend, and help locate products and materials to sa@sfy customer needs. • Respond to customer inquiries in-person, by phone or by email. • Resolve difficult sales and product performance situa@ons to maintain excellent customer sa@sfac@on while mee@ng company margin goals. Computer Skills • Advanced MicrosoU Office Excel skills, and proficient in Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook • Salesforce Customer Rela@onship Management (CRM) • Desktop and mobile JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Procurement Management system EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Inventory Control Specialist, Distribu@on, Inc., Somewhere, MN 2021 – Current Apartment Property Manager, Lloyd Management, Collegetown, MN 2016 – 2020 Parts Associate, Value Auto Parts, C ollegetown, MN 2014 – 2016 EDUCATION Associate of Applied Science in Accoun@ng (A.A.S) degree 2018 Central College, Collegetown, MN AWARDS, CERTIFICATIONS & ADDITIONAL TRAINING Na@onal Career Readiness Cer@ficate (NCRC), Gold Cer4fica4on #GHH596Q 2013 Team of the Year – na4onal achievement award to recognize sales increases 2017

75 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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