2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

TRANSLATING MILITARY TERMS TO CIVILIAN WORK IN THE MILITARY IN THE CIVILIAN WORLD AAM-ARCOM award/recognition Battalion division Brigade group/division Combat conflict/emergency Commander director/senior management/president Company company/unit department Executive Officer deputy director/assistant Field Grade Officer executive manager First Sergeant personnel manager Garrison organization/company Leader supervisor/manager Medal award/recognition Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) career specialty Mission task/function/objective NCO supervisor/manager OER/NCOER performance rating/evaluation Operations NCO operations manager Personnel Actions Center (PAC) personnel office Platoon Sergeant supervisor/instructor/trainer PLDC/BNCOC leadership/advanced leadership development course Reconnaissance data collection/survey/analysis Regulations policy/guidelines/instructions Senior NCO’s director/first-line supervisor

senior administrator/chief executive/department head/ program director/deputy chief/senior executive

Senior Field Grade Officer

Sergeant Major

senior advisor



Squad Leader

team leader/team chief



Supply Sergeant

supply manager/logistics manager


organizational structure/human and material resources

Temporary Duty (TDY)

business trip/temporary duty

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

legal action/legal document

War College

Advanced Strategic Studies Course

Warrant Officers

director/specialist/department manager


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