2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Making your next move demands self-examination and research before setting a career goal. Now is the time to look at what you’ve done and where you’d like to go, as well as what you need to do to get there, before starting the next chapter of your career.

A disorganized approach to job seeking could lead to frustration and disappointment rather than a focus on a new career.

One simple step you can take in this direction is conducting a self- assessment. You can do this at one of the many CareerForce locations throughout the state, or online through assessments available on www.careerforcemn.com/online-tools , www.mynextmove.org and other websites. Taking an assessment can show you which occupations match the skills categories you score strongest in. A good self-assessment helps you identify your interests, skills, preferred environments, motivations, work experience, training needs, and your current work and financial status. These areas give definition to your career search. Do you want a job with great regularity and little change, one with or without travel, with a large company, or a small one? Do you like working in an environment where creativity is rewarded or where duties are strictly defined? Also, you may want to decide if you can afford a new career as that may require an investment in training or education. These are just some questions you will want to answer prior to thinking about heading in a new direction. Taking self-assessments can help to guide you in which way to go.


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