2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search



Application: Job Title and Number – Your Name

Dear Employer Hiring Contact Name,

First Paragraph I would like to apply for the (job title) position posted on (name of website or how you found out about the job opening). My resume (name of format specified in the posting such as Word or PDF) is attached. Second Paragraph • How your skills and experience match the job posting requirements. (Limit this to two or three short sentences.) • The value you bring to the job and the company. (A brief sentence that can include why you want to work for this company.)

Closing Paragraph Thank the company for considering your application. Conclude with one sentence about how you will follow up with the company.

Signature block (Use a professional business letter closing such as Sincerely, Regards or Yours Truly.)

Sincerely, Your First and Last Name Your Address, City, State ZIP Code | Your email address

Email Cover Letter Tips • Do not repeat information on your resume or write “see resume.” • Do not use texting language abbreviations in a job application cover letter. • Keep all sentences short. You may want to limit each sentence to no more than 10 words. • Send a sample email to yourself or to friends to see what your email letter looks like on a smartphone or tablet screen. Even if the reader is viewing your letter on a computer monitor, it’s a good bet that they

• Rename your resume before you attach it to the email application letter. Use your name and the posted job title or number such as JSmith.MarketingDirector. MD12345. • A company may ask you to send your resume in the body of an email. Cut and paste your resume into email and format it. Check the appearance by emailing it to yourself before you send it to the employer. • If required by the company, confirm that you have completed their online job application. • Use the spell check feature on your email program and proof your email twice before you hit send.

are using half or less of the screen. • Attach your resume in the format

requested. Plain Text File (RTF), PDF and Microsoft Word are the most commonly requested formats.

87 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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