2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Resumes and cover letters aren’t the only items you need to prepare for a successful job search. You also need to prepare to submit an application in many cases. Most employers also require references, so you will need to provide names and contact information for people who know you well and can speak about your skills, experience and character. Finally, more employers are asking for work samples; pulling together a portfolio that highlights your previous work is a great way to showcase your skills and experience.


Filling out an application is often an important step in the job search process. It can be an online or paper form requiring information about your career, education and qualifications. Many employers require you to submit an application before they will look at your resume or cover letter. Completing and submitting an application can be a tedious process without the right preparation because an applicant needs to provide a great deal of detail, from dates of employment to employer addresses and supervisors’ contact information. Applications will be compared with those of other job seekers by human resource personnel, hiring managers and other decision makers. They provide an opportunity to sell yourself to potential employers and offer a good first impression.

89 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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