2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


Have you quit a job? Be prepared to offer an explanation. If you left under less than favorable conditions, avoid saying anything negative about the employer and use terms such as “resigned,” “left for different opportunity” or “voluntarily separated,” which imply you followed proper procedures in leaving the job. Other reasons for quitting a job include engaging in volunteer work (state what kind of work and with whom you did volunteer work), starting your own business, returning to school or raising your family. In all of these cases, you need to let the employer know you are ready to assume the responsibilities of a new job. If you obtain an interview, be prepared to reassure them of that. Leaving a job due to family relocation or greater economic potential are additional reasons that can be given; however, an employer may question if you are likely to stay, if they see a pattern. If that’s the reason for several job transitions, you may come off as not being a dependable or stable employee. Leaving to attend school is also a valid reason, but make sure your application and resume agree. You should assure the employer that any continuing school activities won’t interfere with the job.

93 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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