2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


to focus on what that person has to say about your skills and achievements that pertain to the needs of the desired position. The reference may wish to add additional information or otherwise edit the letter before signing it. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A performance evaluation is a formal, written review or evaluation of your work. It usually covers a specific time period and includes an appraisal of the quality and quantity of your work, as well as your work habits and attitude. It can also state your promotions, demotions and reprimands. Positive performance evaluations can be included with your resume or application to boost your credentials and increase your opportunities of securing a job.


Choose your references with care.

Someone influential in your community or in a well- known business may be an effective reference but

should not be selected for this reason alone. Look for people who honestly know you and will speak objectively. Avoid references from family members, such as your spouse or a parent, because the potential employer may assume bias. Avoid references that may be controversial or may concern employers. Examples of these types of references are clergy or social workers. You may even want to use different references for different employment opportunities, based on your references’ occupation or area of knowledge about your skills.

97 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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