2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search

Generally speaking, four types of references can be called upon for recommendations. »  Past Employment: Includes former managers, coworkers, or subordinates who can speak about your specific employment experience. You can also list the people for whom you perform volunteer activities, babysitting, lawn mowing and other odd jobs. »  Professional: People who know you on a professional basis, such as contacts from business and sales, clubs, or professional or community organizations. »  Academic: Instructors and vocational counselors who can speak about your academic achievements (appropriate for current students or recent graduates). »  Personal: Only use a personal reference if you have no work-related, professional or academic ones to offer. Friends and neighbors who know you personally and who can describe your self-management skills are effective. Use the names of people who can tell an employer you can be depended on to do a good job.

Please note that some employers may ask for multiple types of references.

When using people as references, get their permission first and tell them about your job search and the type of job opportunities you seek. Send them your resume. Ask if they would be comfortable recommending you and what they might say when asked about your work abilities. Find out whether references would prefer to be contacted at work or home as well as what would be the best time to reach them.


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