2024 CareerForce Creative Job Search


For each reference, you should plan to provide the person’s occupation, phone number, email, and how long you’ve known each other as well as the nature of the relationship. Send your references a thank you note when you know they have given you a recommendation.


For years, people working in advertising, public relations, marketing, journalism, sales and the arts have developed portfolios to showcase their skills and experience. Today, work samples and portfolios are a major asset for many job seekers, regardless of their career field A portfolio is a set of documents, photos, graphics or other examples of a person’s work. Portfolios, of course, are adaptable to almost all professions and work well for college students entering the workforce or people resuming their career. Just like a resume, a portfolio can take many forms. All portfolios, especially online versions (such as a featured section of your own LinkedIn profile) offer you various possibilities to visually showcase your skills and accomplishments.

99 Creative Job Search | CareerForceMN.com/CreativeJobSearch

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