BouletPT_Soar Above Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain

Many shoulder injuries result from tasks requiring heavy lifting or repetitive reaching motions. Along with manual labor jobs, work around the house such as cleaning gutters or hanging up wet clothes are common culprits.

HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring for Your Body



HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health and Caring for Your Body

BOULETPTANDWELLNESS.COM Call Us Today! (337) 264-9856

INSIDE: Meet Our Team: Patricia Boulet • Register for Our Free Workshops • What Patients Are Saying • Exercise Essentials • Clinic News

Many shoulder injuries result from tasks requiring heavy lifting or repetitive reaching motions. Along with manual labor jobs, work around the house such as cleaning gutters or hanging up wet clothes are common culprits. In addition, athletic pursuits like weightlifting, swimming, and tennis can unfortunately lead to shoulder injuries. Along with these activities, passive movements can also be a problem. If you havecontinuous poor posture, the improper positioning of your shoulders, can make you extra vulnerable to scapula (shoulder blade) and rotator cuff injuries. Know the Warning Signs All of us experience occasional aches and pains from doing too much, which does not necessarily mean a chronic problem is emerging. However, when those pains don’t go away, or when the uncomfortable feelings have certain characteristics, it’s important not to ignore them, and seek help. If you keep experiencing shoulder clicking or “popping,” for example, it may indicate a more serious problem in the shoulder area. Sharp pain should also be checked out with your physical therapist, as this means the shoulder joint is not moving in good alignment. There are also more easily-ignored symptoms, SOAR ABOVE SHOULDER, ELBOW& WRIST PAIN BY STRENGTHENING YOUR ROTATOR CUFF

like a dull pain that runs along the side of your arm, or sudden arm weakness whenever you try to carry something or reach for an object. These symptoms, you should definitely not ignore. Use It Or Lose It You can certainly ease problems associated with shoulder injury through medical attention and physical therapy. However, protecting your shoulders in the first place is always the best strategy. Make sure your posture is the best it can be at all times, whether it’s while you’re relaxing in your favorite chair, standing in line, hitting the gym, or working long hours at your desk. Think “up and back,” because letting the weight of your head and trunk rest forward puts pressure in all the wrong places, including your shoulders. Positioning yourself before sleep is also crucial; resting on your favorite side when the weight is on your shoulder can definitely create shoulder impingement over time. Avoid any positions where your arm is over your head while sleeping.

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You’ll additionally reduce wear and tear on your shoulders by being more mindful of how you use them. Does your job or sport absolutely require repetitive lifting, reaching or swinging? If so, it’s helpful to get coaching from a physical therapist—or even an actual coach—about how toreduce thestrainonyourshouldersbyshiftingyourpositioning and using correct technique. Alongwithplacingyourbodymoreefficiently toperform tasks, it’salso helpful tostrengthenyourshouldermuscles for lightbut frequentdaily choresaswellasstrenuous,repetitivemotions.Trytodoacombination of some basic exercises a few times a week, in order to strengthen a range of muscles, including those in your rotator cuff region. Doingwallpush-ups—essentiallyastandingpush-up inwhichyou“lift off” from thewallrather than the floor—isoneclassicoption.Secondly, considerbuyingresistancebands,whichare inexpensiveandportable. Attach them to a doorknob and pull them toward you, holding for a few seconds with each repetition. Do these reps in groups of five, two or three times a day. Lastly,don’t forget thatclassic“chairpush-ups,” inwhichyourarmsdo the work of lifting off the chair, are great for toning shoulder muscles. If you have questions about an aching shoulder or wondering if you are setting yourself up for injury, give us a call to speak with one of our physical therapists today. Your shoulders will be happy you did! Sources: b25f-46f5-8373-fb56c9f6b46a If you are experiencing pain and need relief, call us at (337) 264-9856. Our professional therapists would love to help you start living a pain free and active life!

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MEET OUR TEAM: PATRICIA BOULET PT, CERT. DN Asateenager, IworkedonSaturdaysassistingmy dad, who was a family doctor, with his patients. I enjoyed working with them and seeing them, as well. I then did volunteer work in PT during high school and college and really enjoyed it. After seeingpeoplegetrelief fromtheirpainandreturn to normal function, I knew what I wanted to do. Ihavealwaysbeen fascinatedbydoingorthopedic rehabilitation. I see people get better quickly with hands-on, manual therapy. Now over 30 years in the practice as a manual therapist, I haveacquiredtechniquesthatgetquickerresults. Staying focusedontreatmentgoals, listeningand paying attention to my patients’ needs and their own personal goals have always brought about success and patient satisfaction.

The Institute is a living testament to my PT advocacyanddedication tocaring,hands-onand results-orientedphysical therapy.Nowentering three decades of fruitful existence, it cherishes thousands of patients who now live stronger, more empowered lives. BoardCertified: LouisianaStateBoardofPhysical Therapy Examiners BSC: PhysicalTherapy,LouisianaStateUniversity Medical Center Member: American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists, American Physical TherapyAssociation,LouisianaPhysicalTherapy Association




• Muscle Energy Techniques • Myofascial Release • Postural Re-Education/ Training • Therapeutic Exercise

• Cupping • Dry Needling • Electrical Stimulation • Ergonomic Training • IASTM • Joint Mobilization • Kinesio Taping • Laser Therapy • Manual Therapy

Shoulder Pain & Rotator Cuff Tendinitis (RCT) JULY 23 | 6PM

Back Pain & Sciatica AUGUST 20 | 6PM

Do you or someone you know struggle with pain? Want to find out how you can return to your active life without the fear of injury? Attendees of our workshops will learn about what successful treatment looks like without the use of drugs, surgery, or injections. Common causes of problems are discussed, self-management skills are taught, and tips on doing the correct exercises are covered. A Questions and Answers session is held after the workshop is complete. Patricia Boulet is the presenter for all workshops.

• Ultrasound • Vestibular Therapy

Register now at or call our office today at (337) 264-9856.


Keep up with your physical therapy exercises to relieve pain and prevent further injuries. If your pain doesn’t subside, consult with your therapist about what other things might be causing pain. HAS YOUR PA I N COME BACK?

Ihavesuffered fromshoulderpain for several years. After three surgeries

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thedoctordecided toreplace theshoulder.After thesurgery, Iwas told tostartPhysicalTherapy. Because my wife and I had used Boulet in the past, it was my first choice to fix my shoulder. After 2 months of rehab, the pain is gone and I’m doing things with my shoulder that I haven’t been able to do in a long time. I have the most confidenceand faith inBoulet thananyone Ihave used in the past and would highly recommend them.” - R. H.

Call Boulet Physical Therapy & Wellness Institute for a

complimentary injury consultation. We will guide you so you can get back to the activities you love.

Wand Shoulder Flexion Lying on your back and holding a wand, palms face down on both sides, gently raise the wand towards overhead in a gentle motion. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lower wand to starting position. Repeat 5 times. EXERC I SE ESSENT I AL S USE THIS EXERCISE TO INCREASE RANGE OF MOTION Exercisescopyrightof

CLINIC NEWS • BOULET PHYSICAL THERAPY HOSTED A MANUAL THERAPY COURSE! We hosted a manual therapy course in May and trained with physical therapists from Pennsylvania, New Mexico, Midland, and North Louisiana. We learned so many techniques for low back, hip, and pelvic pain! Shelby Labbe (PT, DPT) really rocked the final exam!

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

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