MRA COVID19 ReEntry Plan_StudentParent_Rev


COVID-19 Re-Entry Operation Plan 2020-2021 STUDENT/PARENT


(The following plan will be continually reviewed and revised as we learn new information.)

As we are experiencing unprecedented times during the current global health crisis, MRA has developed a multi-faceted plan to prepare for any eventualities or scenarios we may be faced with in the future. The safety and health of our students, faculty, staff, and families is the priority which will dictate our educational plan as we make preparations to begin school in August. We will rely on our 50 years of experience and expertise and will continue to deliver the quality education and high standards of instruction to which our students and families are accustomed. As always, our mission will be our guiding standard: MRA is a college preparatory school with a Christian foundation committed to educating each student’s mind, body, and spirit. PATRIOT PLAN: Campus i s open wi th no res t r ict ions ; On-campus Lear ning GREEN PLAN: Campus i s open wi th l imi ted res t r ict ions ; On-campus Lear ning YELLOW PLAN: Campus i s open wi th heightened res t r ict ions ; Modi f ied On-campus Lear ning and Hybr id Lear ning RED PLAN: Campus i s open to essent ial per sonnel only; Di s tance Lear ning PLANS OF OPERAT ION: Determined by the level of transmission or impact of COVID-19


GREEN PLAN: Campus i s open wi th l imi ted res t r ict ions ; On-campus Lear ning (K3-12th grades) MRA administration is preparing for on-campus school operations to resume in the fall of 2020. The school community will follow specific health precautions which will be in accordance with our local, state, and federal requirements. Specific decisions and plans regarding on-campus modifications will be finalized over the next several months; however, current considerations can be found in Appendix 4 of this re-entry plan. • The standard drop-off and pick-up times will likely remain the same. • Athletics offerings will be determined by MAIS recommendations and requirements. • After school enrichment and extended day programming will be offered for students in K3-8th grade. YELLOW PLAN:

Campus i s open wi th heightened res t r ict ions ; Modi f ied On-campus Lear ning (K3-5th grades)

Modified On-Campus will be used for K3-5th on the yellow plan. All K3-5th grade classes will continue to meet daily. This model allows for classroom instruction while reducing the student population so that compliance with physical distancing protocols can be maintained at all times.

YELLOW PLAN: Campus i s open wi th heightened res t r ict ions ; Hybr id Lear ning (6th-12th grades)

Hybrid learning, a combination of both distance learning and on-campus learning, does not change our school’s mission of educating the mind, body, and spirit. MRA’s hybrid learning model blends both synchronous (live) instruction with asynchronous (accessible anytime) instruction with a schedule intentionally designed to provide school/life balance. This model allows for on-campus instruction while reducing the student population so that compliance with physical distancing protocols can be maintained at all times. Middle/ High School students will follow a modified class schedule (three days on campus/two days off campus OR two days on campus/three days off campus) that alternates weekly. School day beginning and ending times will be adjusted to accomplish this learning model. RED PLAN: Campus i s open to essent ial per sonnel only; Di s tance Lear ning (K3-12th grades) Distance learning at MRA allows students to continue their coursework solely from home through both synchronous (live) instruction with asynchronous (accessible anytime) instruction during a time when the campus is closed. MRA’s distance learning model is made available to all students by the school’s Learning Management Systems (i.e., Canvas, Google Classroom, and Seesaw). This instructional method is not new to MRA students, and they all are accustomed to managing their work, discussions, and assignments through these various platforms. Class assignments, videos, and announcements are housed in these digital platforms. Additionally, for students in grades 6th-12th, LIVE (synchronous) virtual class meetings will occur daily via Zoom or Google Meet video conferencing.


1. Any student who presents with COVID-19 symptoms will be sent to Student Services immediately and will be required to go home. 2. Any student or family members who tests positive for COVID-19 is required to notify the school. 3. Any student who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be required to submit a negative test result from a medical professional, be cleared and provide clearance in writing from their physician before returning to school. 4. Any student who has been exposed to someone who has COVID-19 will be asked to quarantine for 3 calendar days and provide a negative test result from a medical professional before returning to school. 5. Any student who has a family member who has COVID-19 and cannot live separately will be asked to quarantine for 14 calendar days and provide a negative test result from a medical professional before returning to school. The negative test should be from a test taken in the final 3 days of quarantine. 6. Any student who has a family member who has COVID-19 and can make arrangement to live separately will be asked to quarantine for 3 calendar days and provide a negative test result from a medical professional before returning to school. 7. Any student who experiences any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (listed at the bottom of this document) should self-isolate and be tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible. If the test is negative they can return to work when free of all symptoms for 72 hours. 8. Any student living with someone who experiences any of the symptoms of COVID-19, should self-isolate until that person receives results of a test determining whether or not they are positive. 9. Those students with elevated risk for severe COVID-19 complications can submit a written request to participate in eLearning. A doctor’s note may be required.


1. Contact local health officials and follow the guidance provided. 2. The school will identify any individuals who had regular or close contact with the affected participant. This will include the entire class (students, teachers and staff) and potentially other teachers and staff (if multiple teachers work regularly with the student or staff member). If those teachers or the students interacted with other students or staff on a regular basis or came in close contact with them, those students and staff will be considered potentially exposed as well. Anyone who is considered to have regular or close contact with someone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 must stay at home for two weeks. In some cases, this may necessitate closing only a single classroom. In other cases, it may require closing multiple classes, or even the entire school, for two weeks. Additionally, they will need to be tested, cleared and provide clearance in writing prior to being allowed to return to campus. 3. Discourage students and staff from social gatherings. 4. Communicate to faculty and parents the presence of a confirmed case of COVID-19. 5. Clean and disinfect thoroughly. 1. Close off area used by the individual with COVID-19 2. Open doors and windows of area 3. Wait for 24 hrs to clean an area 4. Clean all surfaces with electrostatic sprayers 6. If someone tests positive, whether teacher, staff, or student, they will not be allowed to return to campus until they test negative, are cleared and provide clearance in writing from their physician.


While specific decisions and plans will be finalized over the next several months as more information and updated public health guidelines are issued, strategies are being developed in the following areas including but not limited to: • Institution of capacity limits to allow for social distancing in common spaces or large gathering spaces: • Gym • Mini-theatre • Multi-purpose rooms • Dining Commons


• Institution of capacity limits to allow for social distancing during: • Lunch • Break • Chapel • Pep Rallies • 4 additional personnel will be added to the daily MRA janitorial staff. • Teach and reinforce healthy hygiene practices. • Train staff on healthy hygiene practices so they can teach these to students.

• Ensure handwashing strategies include washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. • Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched. This may include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops). Clean with the cleaners typically used. Use all cleaning products according to the directions on the label. • Provide EPA-registered disposable wipes to teachers and staff so that commonly used surfaces (e.g., keyboards, desks, remote controls) can be wiped down before use. • Ensure adequate supplies to support intensified cleaning and disinfection practices. • All facilities, both indoors and outdoors, will have highly visible signage stating common COVID-19 symptoms as information and reminders for employees, students and parents/guardians. • Modification of programs and events in compliance with limits on crowd sizes and social distancing measures • Changes to campus access for visitors and parents • Continued use of distance/virtual learning models with in-person services (a hybrid approach) to keep in-person contact at safer levels in the areas of academic instruction, student activities, and more


Following the recommendations from our re-entry committee and trends from past pandemics, MRA is preparing for waves of interruption to on-campus learning. In the event our local community experiences a spike in COVID-19 cases and interruption of physical operations occurs, a shift to distance/hybrid learning will happen immediately.


Flexibility and transparency are of the utmost importance. We want to encourage you to contact our administrative team if you have any questions or concerns about how we are serving your family. MRA

is here not only to provide a sense of continuity of learning for your child(ren), but also to provide a strong and safe community for your entire family.


Any student experiencing any of the following symptoms should not report to school and should contact a medical professional immediately:

Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19 Congestion or runny nose Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Chills Repeated shaking with chills Muscle Pain

Headache Sore Throat Loss of taste or smell Nausea Diarrhea


School: refers to the people, teachers, staff, and students Campus: refers to the physical buildings and property Social distancing protocol: ability to create situations that prevent an individual from having close physical contact Capacity: the number of individuals who can gather in a given space Circle of contact: reduce the size of our community to divisions and limit the contact to only those in the division Temperature control: requiring checking of temperature using a no touch thermometer Health and hygiene protocols: practices that promote health and reduce the exposure to disease from other human beings Sanitation protocols: practices that promote health and reduce the exposure to disease from surface contact Mode of learning: There are three modes of learning: Distance Learning, Hybrid, and On-campus Restrictive Non-academic elective classes: Includes performing arts (choral classes and performances) and PE classes Athletics: all after-school sports Buses: Refers to bus transportation for athletic events/field trips COVID-19 Personnel Policy: special HR policies implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic only COVID-19 Student Attendance Policy: special attendance policy for students due to COVID-19 Quarantine: mandatory requirement for students/staff with confirmed COVID-19 contact to remove oneself from the community for a period of 14 days Essential personnel: Employees who work in non-academic areas and the Academic team leaders


Campus is open with heightened

Campus is open to essential personnel only;

with limited restrictions; On-campus Learning

restrictions; Modified On-campus Learning and Hybrid Learning

Distance Learning


Circle of contacts enforced


Field Trips Cancelled

Non-essential visitors restricted

Space seating 6 ft apart

Staggered use allowed

Use of common areas restricted


Stagger arrival/pick-up times

Any gathering limited to 10 or fewer people Any gathering limited to 50 or fewer people




20 Second Hand Washing

Avoid touching face, eyes, etc.

Cover mouth with arm or elbow when coughing or sneezing Increase circulation of airflow by leaving windows and doors open At end of each class, wipe frequently touched surfaces with EPA approved disinfectant Mid-day wipe down all public surfaces including doorknobs, banisters, etc. with an approved disinfectant End of day wash down all touchable surfaces with soap and water followed by an approved disinfectant



On-Campus (K3-5th) Hybrid (6th-12th)



Distance Learning


Physical education classes restricted



Performing Arts classes restricted

Keep the child’s belongings separated and individually stored



Ensure there are adequate supplies to minimize sharing of high-touch materials






7601 Old Canton Road • Madison, Mississippi 39110 • 601.856.4455 •

Madison Ridgeland Academy admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, tuition assistance program, athletic and other school-administered programs.


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