King's Business - 1956-06


M A N ’ S N E E D - T O H E A R A N D B E L I E VE G O D ’ S W O R D The purpose of Christ BIB­ LICAL SEM INARY is the training of men and women to satisfy this need with their life, labor and testi­ mony. Chartered by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. Tuition moder­ ate. Scholarships available. A DM IN ISTRAT IO N BUILDING • EVANGELICAL • SPIRITUAL • BIBLICAL • PRACTICAL There is an urgent call in these last days for dedicated Evangelists, Missionaries, Pastors, leachers and part or full tlme_ Christian Workers. No better place than Christ Biblical seminary with a campus of 84 acres, crowning a 1500 ft. crest of the Alleghenies will be fpiirtcl for born-again Christian young people. Investigate today. Complete curriculum. Catalog FREE. Write Room 226 Harold Geo. Martin, Ph.D., Th.D., President CHRIST BIBLICAL SEM INARY Hornell, New York

a Mr. Jeeponary story


by Carolyn London Missionary, Sudan Interior Mission W e’re so thrilled! I’m just as happy as Mr. and Mrs. Mis­ sionary. We had such good news today here in Africa. Let me tell you about it. We have some m i s s i ona r y neighbors who live about 15 miles away from us. They came in today and while Mr. Friend and Mr. Missionary were cleaning my spark plugs Mr. Friend told Mr. Missionary this story. If you sit right down there in the shade of that palm tree, I’ll tell you what he said. Zaba is an African Christian. He and his wife, Adama, live out in a little village about 30 miles from here. They are the only Christians in the whole district. Zaba and Adama have both been to the mis­ sion Bible school. Zaba has a little garden, but he spends most of his time preaching to the other Afri­ cans and telling them about the Lord Jesus Christ. You see, Zaba and his wife used to worship Mo­ hammed. They didn’t know that Jesus died for them. One day they came to the mission to work, and when they heard about Jesus they believed on Him. So now that they are saved they want other Africans to believe on Him too. Mr. Friend had told Zaba that when he needed something that he should pray and ask the Lord Jesus to give it to him. Zaba had learned that Jesus really did answer his prayers. One day last week the Big Chief, an African man who has much au­ thority—that’s a long word mean­ ing power— came out to the town where Zaba lives. The Big Chief had several servants with him. Just as soon as Big Chief arrived in the

FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

"I wanted to see for myself exactly what World Vision has been doing. I have seen buildings that they have built; I have seen hospitals that they have helped construct; I have seen educational institutions in which buildings have been built; I have seen missionaries that are being supported; I have seen native workers that are being supported everywhere; and I have heard nothing but the very finest of the tre­ mendous aid that is being given by World Vision. It is beyond anything that I had imagined before I came on this trip.”


1' unreached*masses

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evangelists in schools Z ■ 0 mass

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and Seminaries. 3. Establishment of

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a d d r e s s -------------------------------------------- ------------------ WORLD VISION, IN C. Bob Pierce, Pres. Dr. Frank C. Phillips, Exec. Sec'y. Gifts Are Tax Deductible. | 258 SWALDER ST., PORTLAND 4, ORE.



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