King's Business - 1956-06

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Doctrinal pointers by Gerald B. Stanton, Th.D. Prof, of Systematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary

Catalog and fine selections of sample materials on request. Fair prices. Mention whether for Pulpit or Choir. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 14th St. Greenville, III. 902 new missionaries

Places of Eternal Destiny

T he testimony of the Word of God concerning the destiny of a soul after death comprises a topic of vi­ tal and fearful consequence. The knowledge of a life to come is a spir­ itual axiom written deeply within the consciousness of every thinking mem­ ber of the human race. In our more solemn moments, almost all have an awareness that this life is not the end of existence. It remains for the Bible to fill in the specific details. Seven or eight places of eternal des­ tiny are mentioned in the Scriptures. Confusion has arisen over the fact that some are synonymous, others are not and because some are eternal, others temporary and intermediate. Nor is there any answer given to every question our minds would in­ quire. However, an examination of every passage on the subject of eter­ nal destiny is a most illuminating ex­ perience. Men may guess and specu­ late but the Bible speaks with an assurance which inspiration alone can give. The following summarizes its teaching on this subject. Intermedióte Places of Destiny Sheol. Found 65 times and trans­ lated by the words “ grave,” “hell” or “the pit,” Sheol is the Old Testa­ ment word for the place of the dead. The root meaning is a “ sunken or deep place,” hence, an “underworld,” a “ land of darkness and the shadow of death” (Job 10:21). It is a land of stillness and inactivity, a land of for­ getfulness (Ps. 88:12) and sorrow (2 Sam. 22:6), yet not entirely cut off from God’s presence (Ps. 139:8). Israelites who died and went to Sheol are said to go to their fathers or to be gathered unto their people (Gen. 15: 15; 25:8). The location of Sheol is viewed as “down” or beneath the earth (Gen. 37:35; Num. 16:33). Since both the wicked (Ps. 9:17) and the righteous upon death went to Sheol, it is generally viewed as hav­ ing an upper and a lower compart­ ment. This division and the tempo­ rary nature of Sheol are not fully revealed until the New Testament.

Hades. The New Testament equiv­ alent for Sheol is Hades, the Greek name now being used in place of the Hebrew. Its root meaning is “not to see,” hence an “ invisible (land,” a place of departed souls. Though gen­ erally translated by the word “hell,” Hades does not conform to the popu­ lar conception of hell as the final des­ tination of the wicked. Like Sheol, it is rather a temporary abode or prison house for all the dead, both righteous and wicked. This explains Acts 2:27, 37 and the misconception which has risen, to the effect that Jesus descend­ ed into hell after His death upon the cross. This impression is also given by the Apostles’ Creed. Actually, Christ descended into Hades, the common place of all the dead. His own statement was that He would enter paradise (Luke 23:43). It is believed by many that Christ, at His ascension, emptied paradise by carrying the souls of the righteous with Him to heaven (1 Pet. 3:19; Eph. 4:8). That being the case, only the souls of the unrighteous dead now enter Hades; the rest go immediately into the presence of the Lord (2 Cor. 5:8; Phil. 1:21,23). Luke 16:19-31 gives us our most detailed description of Hades and it is this passage which best indicates its two-fold division. Lazarus died and was carried by the angels into “Abraham’s bosom,” evidently the same as paradise. The unrighteous Dives likewise entered Hades, but to the lower portion. While conversa­ tion was possible between the two, a “ great gulf fixed” prohibited pas­ sage from one portion to the other. Revelation 20:13,14 indicates that both Hades and death will be cast into the lake of fire. For this reason it cannot be the final abode of the wicked. Revelation 6:8 personifies Hades and Revelation 1:18 indicates that it is Christ and not Satan who holds the keys to its door. Matthew 16:18 implies that the Church is stronger than Hades, possibly in the sense that no Christian shall enter therein. (To be continued.) END.

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The C h ristia n and M ission a ry A llian ce 260 West 44th Street New York 36, New York

JUNE, 1956


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