King's Business - 1956-06


BIBLE STUDY continued

AT LAST! You Can Now Obtain STUDIES IN The Book of EXODUS By George Henderson (F.R.G.S., M.R.S.L.)

Pray for the evangelizing of Uruguay, little known and long neglected field. Our faith work has established an Indigenous Church and Includes the first Bi­ ble School in the country training National workers; also Radio and Colportage ministry, 17 Mission­ aries, etc. Doors are Open

4. What reception did the servant get? (v. 10.) How is this fact demon­ strated in Bible history? 5. Who is represented by the “ other servant” ? (v. 11.) What was his treatment? Study Questions on Chapter 20 ( Continued) 1. Who is represented by the third “ servant” ? (v. 12.) What was his re­ ception? 2. What in the parable represents God’s last effort to bring Israel to her senses? (v. 13.) 3. How did the “ son” fare? (w . 14, 15.) What does this action point to in the gospel narrative? 4. What is meant by the phrase “ give the vineyard to others” ? (v. 16.) Who are the “ others” ? (cf. Acts 13: 46-49; 28:25-31.) 5. Who is the rejected “ stone” ? (v. 17; cf. Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Pet’. 2:1-8.) Study Questions on Chapter 20 (Continued) 1. In what sense is a humbled be­ liever “b r ok en ” by “ f a l l i n g ” on Christ? (v. 18; cf. Ps. 51:17.) 2. What will be the result of the Saviour’s judgment on unrepentant sinners? (v. 18.) 3. What was the effect of the par­ able of the vineyard on the Pharisees? (v. 19.) Why? 4. To what low levels will the ene­ mies of Christ stoop? (w . 20, 21.) Think of modernists and Communists who give lip service to Christ! 5. What is the real reason behind the question of these followers of the Pharisees? (v. 22.) Study Questions on Chapter 20 ( Continued) 1. How did our Lord refute His enemies in their catch question? (w . 24-26.) Apply this truth to that day and this. (cf. Rom. 13:1-7.) 2. In what sense were the Sad- ducees the “modernists” of Jesus’ day? (v. 27.) 3. What will be the status of be­ lievers in the. coming resurrection age? (w . 34-36.) 4. What is the great truth of verses 37, 38? 5. :Notice how the enemies of Christ are closing in on Him. (w . 19,27, 39.)

Rev. F.V. Dabold Founder-Director

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(To be continued.)




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