King's Business - 1956-06

book reviews All recommended books may be obtained by mall from the Biola Book Room, Mail Order Dept., 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

WONDERFUL NEW 16MM. FILM STRIP PROJECTOR Complete with 3-cell flashlight and 100 Color pictures of The Life of Christ.

the Master , one on the resurrection of Christ and the other on Christian mothers, are reprinted in one small attractive volume. 46 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $1.00. T h e y L o ok ed fo r a Citg By Lydia Buksbazen This is the true story of a Russian Jewish family which has become well-known in Jewish missionary cir­ cles. The narrative takes the reader through the Czarist pogroms in Rus­ sia and Poland and through experi­ ences in Germany, England and America, all in the intimate detail of family life. Perusal of this heart­ warming story will give the reader a vivid picture of the life of the Euro­ pean Jew. The family founded The Friends of Israel Missionary and Re­ lief Society. 215 pages; The Friends of Israel Missionary and Relief So­ ciety, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.; paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.50. V ictoriou s Christian Living By Alan Redpath The pastor of the Moody Memorial Church includes in this volume 20 messages based on texts from the Book of Joshua. The campaigns of Joshua are used “ to help many people face afresh the implications of the cross and the pattern of God’s redemption in personal life. . . . We have to learn to conquer and then we have to possess all that is ours in the Risen Lord.” The introduction is by Dr. Paul S. Rees. 254 pages; cloth; Flem­ ing H. Revell, Westwood, N.J.; $3.00. The Drama o f the A g es By Charles F. Noble Subtitled Daniel to Revelation this volume deals with the historical suc­ cession of world empires from Baby­ lonia to Rome as represented in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the great image and the end time of the 70th week of Daniel. Uniquely he looks upon the beasts of seven, not as de­ scriptions of the same kingdoms sym­ bolized by the metals of the image, but as Britain, Russia, India and the revived Roman empire of the last days. He makes use of much of British Israelism’s data to identify Tarshish with Britain and the United States as one of “ the young lions” of Ezekiel CONTINUED

Fight the G ood Fight By Robert G. Rayburn

The author is president of Covenant College, Pasadena, Calif., and served as chaplain in the United States Army in Europe during World War II and in the Korean War. This re­ markable book records the author’s experiences as a paratrooper chaplain in Korea and relates the give and take of battle in the believer’s spirit­ ual warfare in a most challenging way. Here is a good book for the young Christian in military service, and it will be a blessing to all who read it. 108 pages; cloth; Covenant College Press, Pasadena, Calif.; $2.00. The P a sto ra l Ep istles By E. K. Simpson The Pauline authorship of the pastoral epistles is ably defended in this commentary of the Greek text by a master of Trinity College, Oxford. The introduction is ample and abreast of modem s c ho l a r sh i p . Greek is printed at the head of each section and the commentary reflects a wide knowledge of the Greek classics. An excellent bibliography and indexes of classical, patristic and modem au­ thors conclude the book. 174 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; no price indicated. iCommentary on the Ep istles o f dam es and John By Alexander Ross This is another volume in the im­ portant new set, The New Interna­ tional Commentary on the New Tes­ tament. The author was for a number of years Professor- of New Testament in the Free Church College, Edin­ burgh, Scotland. The work is conserv­ ative and evangelical in every re­ spect and its scholarship is above re­ proach. Critical problems are dealt with as they occur and many prac­ tical applications of the text will be found. The American Standard Ver­ sion is used in the headings and com­ ments on the Greek text are confined to the footnotes. 249 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.50. Thé H ea rt of P e te r M arsha ll’ s Faith By Peter Marshall Two sermons from Mr. Jones, Meet

Flash pictures on wall or ceiling. I I C E C A D Sunday School Class, Gift r V / I Y Bedtime Stories, Toy, Mis­ sionaries, Shut-ins, etc. SEE your local Christian Bookstore Or order from us on a 3-day approval basis. We pay postage when cash accompanies order Fred Vlsser Co., Dept. K, 234 N. Juanita Ave. Los Angeles 4, Calif. WorldGospel Crusades • season * 'H e wo *}-0 vVITH^ Gospty Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, President Will you help us spread the Word throughgospelsof John and Bible Lessons by mail? World Gospel Crusades is entirely a service organization to existing evangel­ ical churches, missions and agencies working for the evangelization of “ all men everywhere.” Great work going on 4,000 reached in Brazil, 138,000 “Light of Life Lessons” enrollees in India. 400,000 gospels of John furnished revival in Portugal. Your prayers and interest earnestly entreated. Get FREE bulletin—Write: P.0. Box 9812 K Los Feliz Sta., Los Angeles 27, Calif.

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Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So.Hope, LosAngeles 17, California.

Soliciting Christian People SOUTHLAND HOTEL Comfortable — Clean One block west of Bible Institute Inexpensive 605 S. Flower St. Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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