King's Business - 1956-06

book reviews continued 38, but without tracing the British people to the 10 tribes-of Israel. These identifications allow the author to in­ dulge in many prophecies for our own time involving these modem nations. 100 pages; paper; Charles F. Noble, Mina, Nev.; $1.25. G rea t Is the L ord By Robert G. Lee The pastor of Be l l e v u e Baptist Church, Memphis, Term., preached these seven sermons to his own con­ gregation and others while he served in the cause of evangelism and on the Bible conference platform. The author’s characteristic power of anal­ ysis is evident throughout. His similes are as numerous and as original as ever. The book is stimulating to read. 160 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.00. P roph etic Light In the P r e sen t Darkness By Kenneth S. Wuest The author of this fresh approach to eschatology is Professor of New Testament at Moody Bible Institute. Discussions will be found on the day of the Lord and the day of Christ, the rapture of the Church, the 70th week of Daniel, earth’s golden age and eternal conditions. The certainty with which the antichrist is identified with Judas will not be received by all read­ ers, nor will the Ussher date for the creation of the world. The work will stimulate the reader’s thinking along the line of premillennial interpreta­ tion. 135 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerd- mans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. Book Brevities THE FLAME OF GOD'S LOVE by F. J. Mokma. 64 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; 75c. A refreshing treatment of the various aspects of God’s love as found in the Scriptures. THE CR IM SON THREAD THROUGH THE WORD by Edgar A. Raynor. 80 pages; paper; Brown Gold Publications, Chico, Calif.; no price indicated. Entirely in the words of Scripture— a unique book­ let. CHALLENG ING SONGS A N D CHO ­ RUSES compiled by Harry Dixon Loes. 107 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; 60c. Old and new num­ bers, to be used by soloists, choirs and congregations. THE IDEA BOOK by Richard J. Mullin. 96 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.25. A full year’s program sug­ gestions for young people’s meetings worked out in considerable detail. TOWARD FREEDOM A N D SECURITY by Saville R. Davis. 48 pages; paper; As­


BIBLE CONFERENCE . . . Rev. John Fasano and his series of messages on "Christ in the Old Testament Tabernacle"

sociation Press, New York City, N.Y.; 25c. Issued by the Committee of Public A f­ fairs, National Board of Young Men’s Christian Association as a plea against the “ damage” done to individuals in con­ gressional inquiries into Communism. THE EVER-NEARER NEAR EAST by Samuel Guy Inman. 22 pages; paper; Worldover Press, Wilton, Conn.; 50c. Fac­ tual report of a study tour of Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and Israel. THE OLIVET DISCOURSE by Carl Ar- merding. 95 pages; paper; Dunham Pub­ lishing Co., Findlay, Ohio; 75c. Vital chapters on the important eschatological chapters of Matthew’s Gospel. THE HEAVEN OF HEAVENS by Jo­ seph W . Arnett. 15 pages; paper; Joseph W . Arnett, Des Moines, Iowa; 25c. Point­ ed sentence paragraphs on the believer’s future state. ON THE FRONT LINES FOR CHRIST by Jim Tice. 107 pages; paper; Bedrock Press, Los Angeles, Calif.; no price indi­ cated. A young man’s personal experience in soul-winning in odd places. D Y N AM IC EVANGELISM by James A. Stewart. 24 pages; paper; Revival Liter­ ature, Chattanooga, Tenn.; 35c. Discus­ sion of the Apostle Paul’s methods in evangelism. W H Y I ACCEPT THE GENESIS REC­ ORD by John Raymond Hand. 59 pages; paper; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; 75c. An “ old schoolmaster’s” discussion of the Christian and organic evolution. A BIRD'S-EYE V IEW OF THE BIBLE by Fred John Meldau. 64 pages; paper; Christian Victory Publishing Co., Denver, Colo.; 60c. Capsule discussions of impor­ tant distinctions and methods in Bible study; an excellent booklet for the new Christian. REMEMBER THY CREATOR by M il­ dred Dooley Cathcart. 17 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; no price in­ dicated. A child-life story in a Christian hdme—beautifully illustrated with photo­ graphs. IN STAN T TOOLS FOR SOUL-W IN ­ N ING by Wm. A. Hunnex. 53 pages; pa­ per; Wm. A. Hunnex, San Bernardino, Calif.; 50c. Handy reference book of Bible passages for use with various classes of inquirers. TREBLE-AIRES NO. 1 by John W . Pe­ terson. 30 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; 60c. New and old musical numbers arranged much in the modern fashion. THE BIBLE BOOK BY BOOK by G. Coleman Luck. 253 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; price not indicated. The entire Bible outlined, with brief in­ troductions to the individual books. W HAT 'S W RONG W ITH JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? by Louis T. Talbot. 28 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; 35c. Fresh treat­ ment of the false doctrines of “ Pastor” Russell’s modern disciples. END.

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