King's Business - 1956-06

Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Uni­ versity, New York City, is a psychologist and Consultant in Research and Guidance with one of the largest school systems in America.

suggest that you take your boy to see one. No doubt he would want to study the child, his family and en­ vironment and also give certain tests. You might expect him to un­ cover the cause rather quickly. You can locate a c o m p e t e n t person through your own school officials or through a local medical doctor. Teenage Decision Q. I am a Christian teenager who will graduate from high school this spring. I am interested in the field of counseling with high school age young people. I would like serving as a teacher in a subject such as Family Living or Basic Living, or whatever they call it in the differ­ ent parts of the country. To serve in such a capacity I feel one must have some courses in psychology. Could you give me the names of some colleges or universities that have good psychology departments that you would recommend. I would be interested in majoring in that field. A. There is a great future for young men in the field of school psychology. There are many open­ ings and the salaries are good. Most positions in this field are in elemen­ tary schools. Such work puts you

Nervous Habits Q. W e have several children, but the one whom we are worried about is our 10-year-old boy. When he was a baby he developed the habit of turning or swinging his head from one side to the other. Our family doctor said he would out­ grow the habit, but he hasn’t. W e are born-again Christians and we have tried every method suggested to help him overcome this— prayer, scolding, bribery, making him stay inside, spanking and ignoring it for long periods of time. He has inter­ vals of weeks when he doesn’t do it. W e would be most grateful if you could advise us about this. A. It is quite possible that your boy needs psychological as well as med­ ical attention. It has been m y ex­ perience that children usually do not grow out of serious nervous habits. They must be helped out of them. In the case of your boy I would not minimize prayer. God’s power is not limited, and it is possible for Him to deliver your boy of his trouble. However, this may not be God’s will. Psychologists an d psychiatrists frequently work with those who suffer from nervous habits. I would

in contact with boys and girls, par­ ents and educators. The opportuni­ ties for witnessing are absolutely unlimited. Requirements usually are: a) undergraduate major in elementary education, b) master’s degree in ed­ ucational psychology and c) the possession of the school psychologist credential issued by the state de­ partment of education in the state where you are employed. I suggest you attend a Christian college of your choice to receive the bachelor’s degree, then attend a state or private college or university to receive the master’s degree. Popularity Q. What can I do to be popular with others my age? A. Every boy or girl can “ up” his rating with other young people by being friendly. An honest interest in people around you, a neat ap­ pearance, being able to carry on a conversation and being a conse­ crated Christian will all work to­ gether to make your personality attractive to others.

Readers are invited to submit questions to both Dr. Narramore and Dr. Talbot. Address ques­ tions to them c/o The King's Business, 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Announcing a new book by Dr. Narramore

T he K ing ’ s B usiness has just published "Christian Psychol­ ogy, How It Can Help You,” by Dr. Narramore. This 18,000 word booklet contains the most popular questions & answers that have appeared in "Talking It Over” during the past three years. This important work is indexed under 20 topics: Adolescence problems, Counseling, Dating, D i­ vorce, Family relations, Marriage, Prayer, Sex education, Spiritual problems, Sunday school teaching problems, etc. At present "Christian Psychology, How It Can Help You,”

is not for sale. Copies may be obtained only as a premium when you give a gift subscription to T he K ing ’ s B usiness (or subscribe for yourself). Each subscription must be for 15 months at the low price of just $3. Be sure to state on each order that you want the free bonus book by Dr. Narra­ more. Also state if gift card is to be sent and how it is to be signed. We printed only a limited edition and orders will be filled on a first-come basis. The King’s Business, 558 So. H ope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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