Rehability: How Bad Posture Affects You

He a l t h & F i t ne s s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


HOW BAD POSTURE AFFECTS YOU “You Can Reduce Pain With Better Posture”

(continued from outside) When was the last time you looked in the mirror or saw a photo of your posture? If you suffer from frequent aches and pains, your posture may be to blame. In today’s society, we spend an increasing amount of time sitting looking at the TV, computer screen and looking down at our phones. If you fit into this category, then changes in your posture can have numerous negative effects on your body. What happens to your body with bad posture? Forward head posture – This creates strain on the neck, shortening the muscles in the back of the neck. Neck pain, radiating pain to the shoulders or arms, chronic headaches and even low back pain can result. Mid-back slouching – This can change the shape of your ribs and drive your head forward over time. The result can be pain in the mid-back and problems with your neck. Eventually, compression of your lungs, heart and digestive system can occur, causing internal problems. Low back - Low back pain is very common with poor posture. The back muscles have to contract excessively to keep you upright, causing you pain. Bad posture also causes abnormal wear and tear on the low back, increasing the risk of arthritis in the spine. Hips and legs – With sitting for prolonged periods, the hip joints lose range of motion and the muscles in the front of the hips stiffen. These tightened muscles then pull on the low back, causing low back pain. Walking – Your center of gravity changes with bad posture, causing your balance to decline. In addition, weakness to the hip muscles with prolonged sitting causes problems with walking. All these changes can have a serious impact on your mobility and ability to walk safely. The good news is that with the right physical therapy treatments, a lot can be done to help you regain proper posture and quickly relieve back and neck pain. Call us today to learn how we can help you live a pain-free life!

INSIDE 5 Steps To Improve Your Posture Practice News Holiday Survival Exercise Essentials

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