Power of Parents Pocket Guide - English

GETTING YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER TO TALK Get into the habit of asking permission to ask the question. This sets the stage where you will work together to solve problems, instead of the conversation being one-way. For example, you might ask, “Is it okay if I ask you one or two questions?” Parents need to respect how a teen may feel and not force communication at a bad time. Let the matter drop and bring it up later. Try to pick a time when your child will be open to talking. Talk every day about things that matter to your son or daughter. Ask questions and seek understanding. This makes conversation flow more easily when it’s time to discuss “heavier” topics, such as alcohol. Seek discussion; don’t lecture! Share your own experiences and opinions and how they have changed over the years. As you are willing to open-up and share experiences, so will your son or daughter.


OVER THE PAST TWO WEEKS: • 11% of 8th graders have consumed alcohol to the point of being drunk IN THE PAST MONTH:

• 1 of 10 students in 10th grade got drunk • 1 of 5 students in 12th grade got drunk

THE BOTTOM LINE: Suspend your critical judgment while you listen attentively. This is probably the single most important aspect of good communication.


Talking About Alcohol // Getting Your Son or Daughter to Talk

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