SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

course requirements for the semesters during which the student must take one of the exams.

Applied Music

Applied Music designates class or private instruction in musical performance on any music instrument or the voice. A student's principal area is the study of one instrument or the voice, which is considered to be the best, or major area. Other areas of applied music study are designated secondary areas. A music major must enroll each semester in the principal applied music area. Each freshman music major must enroll in individual lessons or class instruction in the principal applied music area and in piano during the first semester of his/her work at SWOSU. No student may enroll in more than three applied music courses during one semester without special approval from the Chair of the Department of Music. Students enrolled in one semester hour of applied music (individual study) receive one private lesson each week (twenty- five minutes). Those enrolled in two semester hours receive a total of fifty minutes of private instruction each week. Each student enrolled in individual lessons (applied music) must perform for a faculty committee at the end of each semester of enrollment. Students who fail to take this exam, called an applied music jury, will receive only the grades of W or F. These performances are not open to the public.

Students seeking degrees in Music Therapy and/or the eligibility for the National Board Certification Examinations for Music Therapists must pass proficiency examinations in piano, voice, and guitar before enrolling in 4242-4 Music Therapy V. Music Therapy students are subject to the same two level proficiency examinations in their principal applied music area outlined above as other majors.

Senior Recital

All degrees in music, except the Music Therapy and Music Business degree, require the performance of a senior recital of length and difficulty appropriate to the degree program. Performance majors are required to complete a junior recital. Recitals are not performed until written permission from the faculty and chair has been obtained following a formal preview of the recital called the recital hearing. Proficiency II must be passed prior to junior (performance majors) or senior recital hearing. Except for organ, senior recitals must be performed on the campus of Southwestern. Senior recital credit will not be transferred from other colleges or universities. Specific information concerning standards and administration of the applied music program may be obtained from the coordinator of each division or from the music department office. The student is subject to these and should be familiar with them. Senior recitals which meet the requirements for one degree program do not satisfy recital requirements in other degree programs. Music Therapy majors may, with faculty permission, elect a special project in lieu of the recital requirement.

Proficiency Exams in Applied Music

Music majors must pass two levels of proficiency exams in their principal applied music area. Music minors must pass one level in their principal applied music area. Level I (Principal Applied Music Area): An advisory exam that each student must pass to progress through the program. It is recommended that this exam be taken at the end of the second semester of study. Level II (Principal Applied Music Area): Each student must take this exam before giving a senior recital. It is recommended that this exam be taken at the end of the fourth semester of study. Normally, two semesters of study must elapse between the successful completion of Level I and the first attempt to pass Level II. However, this is at the discretion of the applied professor.

Ensemble Participation

Participation in a major music performance ensemble designated by the department as appropriate for the student's principal performance area is required each fall and spring semester for full- time and part-time students, except for the student teaching semester of music education majors and the intern semester for music business and music therapy majors.

Recital Attendance

Enrollment in Recital Attendance 4900 is required during each semester of enrollment at SWOSU (full-time and part-time students), except for the student teaching semester of Music Education majors and the intern semester for Music Business and Therapy majors. Majors whose degree programs allow enrollment in 4900 must present a minimum of seven enrollments and pass a minimum of five semesters.

Transfer students must enter the proficiency exam schedule as outlined in the student handbook of the department.

Applied music standards differ for each degree program. When the faculty certifies that a student has passed each level, this certification satisfies requirements only for the degree program which the student has declared at the time he takes the exam. Students who change from one music degree program to another must begin the exam cycle again. Students must complete all proficiency requirements prior to their senior recital, capstone, student teaching, and/or internship. Performance majors must complete the second proficiency before they may enroll in the junior recital.

Double Majors in Music

Students may not work toward two concurrent degrees in music except by written permission of the Music department faculty and chair. Applied music standards differ for each degree. Application for permission to work toward two degrees (double major) in music must be made no later than the fourth semester of undergraduate enrollment so that the student's progress in each program may be supervised by the appropriate faculty members.

Applied music proficiency standing may not be transferred from other colleges or universities. Proficiency exams are part of the


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