Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION (EDHPH.BSEd) Suggested Course Sequence FIRST YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER 1003 General Psychology (3) 1213 English Composition II (3) 1133 Wellness Concepts and Exercise Applications (3) 2212 First Aid (2) General Education Required Course (3) General Education Course (3) General Education Required Course (3) General Education Required Course (3) Major Elective (2) Total (15) Total (14) SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER 1313 Introduction to Public Speaking (3) 1051 SWOSUConnect* (1) 1113 English Composition I (3)
1932 Techniques Applied to Gym, Fitness & Aquatics (2) 1942 Techniques Applied to Individual Sports (2) 3423 Media and Technology (3) General Education Required Course (4) Major Elective (5)
2222 Introduction to Kinesiology (2) General Education Course (3) General Education Required Course (3) Major Elective (3) English Proficiency Exam** Total (14) 1952 Techniques Applied to Team Sports (2) FIRST SEMESTER
Total (16) THIRD YEAR
SECOND SEMESTER 3133 Teaching Health in the Public Schools (3)
2113 Foundations of Education (3) 3213 Developmental Psychology*** (3) 2502 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury (2) 4423 Educational Practices (3) 3132 Exceptional Children*** (2) 4234 Exercise Physiology OR 4234 Exercise Physiology OR 3443 Kinesiology and Anatomy (3-4) 3443 Kinesiology and Anatomy (3-4) 4262 Motor Learning (2) 4243 Therapeutic & Prescriptive Physical Education (3) Major Elective (2) Major Elective (2) Total (17-18) Total (16-17) FOURTH YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER 3453 or 3653 Educational Psychology (3) 3321 Multicultural Special Populations (1) 3553 Methods and Materials in Elementary PE (3) 4021 Contemporary Issues in Education (1) 4541 Capstone (1) 4041 Classroom Management (1) 4553 Teachers Course in H& PE (3) 4765 Student Teaching in the Elementary School (5) 4613 or 4813 Educational Tests and Measurements (3) 4965 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (5) 4833 Principles of Teaching in the Elementary School OR 4823 Prin of Teaching in the Secondary School (3) Total (16) Total (13) * First time entering SWOSU students need to take 1051 SWOSUConnect. ** If applicable. See English Proficiency Program under the General Academic Information Section. *** SDE Guidelines and Procedures Handbook for Certification, page 3, and OK Regents for Higher Education Rule 11-2-24 state that courses classified as professional teacher education must be acquired from a four-year accredited program.
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