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MUSIC 1013 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC I This course introduces students to the history of music and musical styles and explores the intersection of music and social and global issues. F, S, SU MUSIC 1103 MUSIC AND CULTURE This course for music majors provides an introduction to the history of music and musical styles and examines how music reflects and shapes cultural identities, social dynamics, and globalization. F MUSIC 1123 HISTORY OF ROCK-N-ROLL This course explores the dynamic relationship between musical style, historical context, and societal change through the development of rock-n- roll. F, S PHILO 1453 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY This course offers a survey of major world philosophers and their ideas, including but not limited to ancient Greece; ancient Rome; Medieval Christian, Jewish, and Islamic philosophers; Descartes and the debate over Rationalism and Empiricism; Kant and his followers; Marx, Utilitarianism, and the Existentialism of both Kierkegaard and Sartre. Other discussion topics include metaphysics, ontology, ethics, epistemology, axiology, and some logic. Students will be asked to exhibit knowledge of a variety of cultures and their respective philosophical movements, including both majority and non-majority groups, and their interconnectedness within Lecture and laboratory study of mechanics, wave motion, and heat; non- calculus survey course for students in natural science and health sciences; the laboratory component will provide a forum for the student to perform experiments related to the lecture material. Prerequisite: MATH 1513. F PHY 1063 GENERAL PHYSICS Lecture study of motion, thermodynamics, sound and hearing, optics and vision, electricity and magnetism, and radiation; one semester survey with emphasis on biological applications of physics. Prerequisite: MATH 1513 or MATH 1613 or MATH 2823. F, S, SU POLSC 1103 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT & POLITICS Survey of origin, structure, and functions of national government with emphasis on Constitution and the American political process. Unless otherwise noted, POLSC 1103 is a prerequisite for all political science courses. F, S, SU U.S. and global society. F, S, SU PHY 1044 BASIC PHYSICS I
PSYCH 1003 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY A general education course which provides an overview of psychology with an emphasis on the applied areas in the field. F, S, SU SCI 1501 CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE LABORATORY The lab meets two hours each week and focuses on the importance of the laboratory experiment to the scientific method. Inquiry-oriented laboratory investigations of selected topics in the disciplines of astronomy, chemistry, geology and physics introduced in SCI 1513 will be undertaken. Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in SCI 1513. S SCI 1513 CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE A course designed to develop an awareness of the interrelationships between science and society. Readings and discussions on the tactics and strategy of science, with emphasis on the physical sciences. F, S, SU SOCIO 1003 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY This course addresses how sociological concepts and theories are utilized to analyze and interpret social problems, social interaction, group dynamics, and cultural change. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to analyze how multiculturalism, political, and governmental policies impact basic sociological concepts. This course will also foster critical thinking, analyze social phenomena using sociological methods, and gain an increased understanding of contemporary society from the perspective of both majority and non-majority groups. SOCIO 1003 is a prerequisite for all other sociology courses. F, S, SU SPAN 1054 ELEMENTARY SPANISH I Fundamentals of grammar taught in order to acquire facility in all four language skills; reading, writing, speaking, and understanding spoken Spanish; limited introduction to Hispanic culture. F, S, SU TECH 1223 TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY A survey course introducing the student to new and emerging technologies in relation to their economic, social, and global impact on society. F, S TECH 3143 TECHNICAL PRESENTATIONS Extensive practical exercises in research, reading and writing of technical descriptions, explanations of processes, instructions, service manuals, progress reports and industrial proposals. Prerequisites: ENGL 1213 F, S
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