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COMM 2123 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION The study of symbolic and nonverbal communication in dyadic settings. F, S COMM 2223 INTRODUCTION TO STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Introduction to Strategic Communication is a study of the development of strategic communication emphasizing advertising, marketing, public relations, organization communication, interpersonal communication, social media, and crisis communication using multimedia platforms. Strategic Communication develops objectives, strategies, and tactics embracing organizational, cultural, and interpersonal leadership. COMM 2233 COMMUNICATION SOFTWARE DESIGN This course is designed to introduce students to the software they will use in other media production related courses. The course focuses on the most current and the most commonly used software in the communication fields such as Adobe Creative Suite, which includes InDesign, Photoshop, Audition and Premier, as well as new technology as it becomes available. F, S COMM 2363 ACTING I Introduction to basic principles of acting and development of basic acting techniques, training through lectures, class improvisations and script analysis. COMM 2763 STAGECRAFT The construction, painting, rigging, and handling of stage scenery and properties. FO COMM 3013 THEATRICAL MAKE-UP Study and implementation of the principles, skills, techniques, materials, and methods relevant to the selection, design, and application of stage make-up for varying dramatic genres and purposes. SO COMM 3023 LIGHTING AND SOUND This course covers the principles of designing, mounting and operating stage lighting applied to actual campus productions. Students in this course will light the student-directed plays developed in COMM 3263 Directing and Producing. SO COMM 3043 DIGITAL STORYTELLING This course will introduce students to the concepts of collecting information in a variety of forms and using the information to communicate with a mass audience. Students can use course for various media fields including news and public relations. The major function of this course will be to produce on-line content for the university’s digital newspaper. F, S COMM 3063 AMERICAN FILM AND CULTURE This course is designed to understand the role and impact that the film industry has on American pop culture. Employing sociological theory to critically analyze films impact on cultural perceptions of race, gender, sexuality, class, occupations, life course and others. Students are encouraged to think critically about films ability to influence in leading and or reflecting American culture. F COMM 3073 PERSUASION Exposure to several theories of persuasive communication. Practical assignments used to test theories and develop persuasive skills. FO COMM 3121 COMMUNICATION PRODUCTION The purpose of this course is to give students practical, hands-on, "real world" experience in the Communication Arts emphases areas (Strategic Communication and Theatre). The over-arching goal of the class is to provide students with realistic overview of the types of work to expect when entering a chosen field. The course also may instruct students on how to develop and produce the materials needed for their specific discipline.
Professional Development (5 hours). Prerequisites: Art major or endorsement and admission to the Teacher Education Program. D ART 4651 SENIOR EXHIBIT Students will prepare and present a body of work produced as an undergraduate. Emphasis will be on professionalism in presentation as well as the quality of artwork selected. F, S ART 4754 ART EDUCATION PORTFOLIO/EXHIBIT PORTFOLIO: The objective of this course section is to prepare Art Education majors for the job market. Students will prepare a portfolio of selected, organized collection of artifacts that show the students abilities in multiple facets of art education. This professional portfolio will show evidence of knowledge, dispositions, and skill as an art educator. EXHIBIT: The objective of this course section is to prepare Art Education majors a showcase of his/her artistic knowledge and skills from process to product. Students will plan, propose, and prepare ALL aspects of a professional exhibition of work, including working with professional team members in preparing press releases, signage, invites, and gallery design. SE Communication Arts COMM 1083 INTRODUCTION TO ENTERTAINMENT AND COMMUNICATION INDUSTRIES This course will provide an overview of the Entertainment and Communication Industries and will be a required course for all communication majors. The course will provide a broad overview of the many types of careers available in the Entertainment and Communication Industries including Film, TV, Theatre, Live Entertainment, Streaming Content, TV News, Radio, Podcasting, Voice Talent, Print Journalism, Business Communication, Public Relations, Advertising, Social Media, Politics, Fundraising, Philanthropy, and others. DO COMM 1263 INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE Background, philosophy and practices of theatre arts, the theory and practice of elementary principles of direction, acting, and stagecraft. All of the above will be applied to the study of American, British, and European plans representing major literary periods from classic to contemporary. F, S COMM 1313 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC SPEAKING This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of public speaking. It includes a thorough examination of the theoretical framework of public speaking and requires students to put those theories into practice. Students will build critical thinking skills by constructing their own messages and evaluating those of others. This course is designed to heighten students’ skills as well as increase their confidence as public speakers. F, S, SU COMM 2103 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATION Basic study of the nature and function of mass communication systems, their audiences, social impact, pressures, and regulations. This course surveys the vast landscape of mass communication industries and their This course is designed to facilitate an understanding of convergence between mass media industries and the changing requirements of necessary skills for media journalists. Students will foster an understanding of the differences and similarities in journalistic styles between newspapers, magazines, public relations, radio, television, advertising and specialized media. The course explores the rights and responsibilities guaranteed by the First and Fourth Amendments. SE impact on culture. The course promotes media literacy. FE COMM 2113 WRITING FOR MASS MEDIA
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