SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

The fund was established by Margaret Renz Replogle, a member of SWOSU’s Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame. (F)

PRESIDENT’S HONOR ROLL : Undergraduate students who complete 12 or more hours in the fall or spring semester or six or more hours during the summer semester and earn a 4.00 grade point average qualify for this honor roll. R/B/G KOBEL MEMORIAL FUND: Established by Cecil Pettle, executor of the estate of Glenna Kobel, according to her will. The earnings of the fund are to be used to fund a scholarship to a student in the home economics field. However, these are requests only and not mandatory restrictions on the Trustee. (F) SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR INDIAN STUDENTS: The Bureau of Indian Affairs provides scholarship grants (non- reimbursable) to Indian students who have a minimum of one- fourth Indian blood, are in need of financial assistance, and who demonstrate reasonable academic potential. SHANNON LITTLE BIRD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Established by Dutch and Sandy Little Bird as a memorial to their son, Shannon, to be awarded to deserving Weatherford High School students that have participated in high school wrestling or football. (F) SHRINER/SMITH SCHOLARSHIP FUND: A scholarship fund established by the late Gladys Shriner and Geraldine Shriner- Smith to provide assistance to a graduating senior of Hobart High School. (F) STUDENT ORGANIZATION SCHOLARSHIPS: A number of student organizations have scholarship funds for deserving members. SUE GOODALL LOYALL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: A scholarship program established by Scott Loyall in honor and memory of Sue Goodall Loyall. The fund provides scholarship assistance to a graduating senior from Butler, Hammon, Cheyenne, Thomas-Fay-Custer, Leedey or Reydon. (F)

MARION R. DAWSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARHIIP: This scholarship was established by the Marion Dawson Estate. It will be awarded to a student who is a U. S. citizen with home residence in Oklahoma. It will be funded on the basis of academic merit and need. (F) MARK MOUSE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: A fund established by Sheila Mouse in memory of her husband. It is to be awarded to an incoming freshman whose parent, grandparent or legal guardian is presently employed or retired as an Oklahoma public school employee. It must be awarded to a U.S. citizen and funded on academic merit and need. (F) MELDA AND DICK MOORE SCHOLARSHIP: Established by Richard W. Moore, Jr., and Steven E. Moore in honor of their parents. The scholarship will be awarded to full time students in good standing that are U.S. citizens and residents of Oklahoma. (F) MERLE K. AND HAZEL E. EXLINE SCHOLARSHIP: A fund established by the estate of Hazel E. Exline. The scholarship is to provide assistance to a student in the Language Arts field. The recipient must be a graduating senior from Seiling, Laverne, Sharon-Mutual, Beaver, or Woodward public schools. (F) MILLIE ALEXANDER THOMAS MEMORIAL SCHOLAR- SHIP FUND: A fund established by Goldie Alexander Friedrich and Arch Alexander in memory and honor of Millie A. Thomas. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who has completed a minimum of 90 credit hours, with a home residence in Custer, Beckham, Washita, Dewey, Roger Mills, Greer, Kiowa, or Caddo County. (F) M.L. AND PEARL HOLLADAY SMALLING SCHOLARSHIP: Dr. John Hays established this scholarship in 2004. First priority is to a descendant of “Ranger” John Holladay. Applicants must self - identify as a descendant of John Holladay and provide at least one letter of verification for John Hays, Elaine Bush Donohoe, or Vickie Smith. (F) NADINE KAISER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: Scholarship awards are given in memory of Nadine Kaiser, a home economist and educator. (F) ORBIE WILBURN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: A fund established by Gary and Linda Wilburn in memory of their son to be awarded to a Weatherford High School graduate who has been an athlete. It will be funded on the basis of academic merit and need. (F) PANSY FREEMAN SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship fund was established through the estate of Pansy Freeman in memory of Pansy, Orville, Charley, and Lucille Freeman. This scholarship will be funded on basis of merit and need. (F) PAUL AND DOTTIE FLICK SCHOLARSHIP: A fund established by Paul Flick, Jr., a western Oklahoma business leader, to assist talented students with financial need. Recipients must be from Clinton High School, Elk City High School, Hammon High School, or the Sayre location. (F) PAULA JEANNE HORSBURGH : A fund established by Bob and Katie Bartmann in memory of Katie’s mother, Paula Jeanne Horsburgh, to assist full time students pursuing a Veterinary degree with a 3.0 GPA. (F)

SWOSU FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP: Applications are available at https://swosufoundation.com/scholarships/. (F)

THE REGENT A. WAYNE AND JOI DELL SALISBURY SCHOLARSHIP: A scholarship fund established by Wayne Salisbury and Joi Dell Salisbury to provide scholarship assistance for students in pharmacy. (F) TRANSFER SCHOLARSHIPS: Any new transfer resident who is fully admissible, in good standing, to SWOSU with at least 16 hours (if applying for spring), and 24 hours (if applying for fall) from a college or university and a 3.25 minimum grade point average will be eligible to apply for this scholarship. Awards are for one academic year only. TRAVIS L. HARRIS SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship program was established in recognition of Travi s Harris’ work with the blind. He was the first blind graduate of SWOSU (1947). The scholarship program provides assistance for blind students attending SWOSU. (F) TRUMAN SMITH SCHOLARSHIP: Established by Truman Smith for a full-time student that is a U.S. citizen. Financial need will be considered. (F) W. D. & BESS HIBLER EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Fund established by Dr. Joe Anna Hibler in the memory of her parents, who were educators. The recipient must be a full-time student, a U. S. citizen from Oklahoma, and be accepted in the Department of Education and School of Business. It will be funded on the basis


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