SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

GERRY HENSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented annually to an outstanding English major. (F) GLADYS CARMAN BELLAMY SCHOLARSHIP: A scholarship presented annually to an outstanding English major, this scholarship honors a former chair of the Language and Literature Department. GRACE JENCKE-GLADYS BELLAMY ENGLISH AWARD: An award presented annually to the senior English major with the highest grade point average in English classes.


ALPHA PSI OMEGA SCHOLARSHIPS: The SWOSU Chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, the national drama fraternity, offers one to three scholarships yearly to Theatre students.

ART DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS: These scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding students majoring in Art . (F)

CEDRIC CRINK MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented annually to an outstanding Speech- Theatre major. (F) CINDY CARLEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented to an outstanding Communication Arts major in any emphasis area. This scholarship was established to honor former faculty member, Cindy Carley. DAMARISE KITCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: The fund was established by a former member of the Language Arts faculty to assist Speech-Theatre majors. HARRY C. MABRY FORENSIC AWARD: A faculty committee selects the student outstanding in public speaking during the year to receive cash given by a former Southwestern Oklahoma State University student and debater. JACK B. SHELTON & WALTER CROUCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE PURSUIT OF AUTHENTIC JOURNALISM: Established by Becky Shelton West, Jack (Barney) Shelton, Susan Shelton Smith, and Margaret Shelton in memory of Jack B. Shelton and Walter Crouch for students studying Communication Arts with a Mass Communications emphasis. MARY BETH AND LACY NOBLE, JR. ART SCHOLARSHIP: An award given to outstanding Art students attending SWOSU. This is presented annually to current and new students that submit a portfolio of their work to the faculty for assessment. The amount of the award offered each year, as well as the number of students granted scholarships, is variable. (F) MOLLY STRICKLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented to an outstanding Communication Arts major in the Theatre emphasis of the Communication Arts major. The scholarship was established by the friends and family of Molly Wyatt Strickler. (F)

JAMES L. MALES SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented to an outstanding Spanish major. (F)

LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS: These scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding students majoring in English. (F) AND LITERATURE LOIS B. FISCHER MEMORIAL ENGLISH SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship was established in memory of SWOSU Language and Literature faculty Lois B. Fischer. Student must be an English major. (F) MABEL OWEN ENGLISH SCHOLARSHIP: These scholarships are awarded to outstanding English majors selected by a faculty committee. This scholarship honors a former Language and Literature faculty member. MARY HOOD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS: These scholarships are presented annually to outstanding English majors. (F) WORLD LANGUAGES SCHOLARSHIP: The scholarship benefits students studying in the Department of Language & Literature who have designated world languages as a minor degree component. SWOSU-WEATHERFORD ROTARY CLUB TED RAY PYLE SCHOLARSHIP: This memorial award is presented to a student who has demonstrated outstanding skill in writing. This award honors a former Language and Literature faculty member. (F) WORLD LANGUAGES SCHOLARSHIP: Linda Hertzler-Crum established this scholarship in 2014 for the benefit of students majoring or minoring in a World Language other than English. (F)



MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS: These are semi-annual scholarships awarded to outstanding Mathematics and Mathematics Education majors based primarily on scholastic achievement. Recipients are selected by the Mathematics faculty.

CLARENCE AND PAT STURM SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship was established in 2013 by Clarence and Pat Sturm for deserving students majoring in English, English Education or Spanish. (F) DR. LEROY THOMAS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship is presented annually to an outstanding English major. This scholarship honors a former Language and Literature faculty member. ( F) ELBY WARD THREADGILL & EDWARD THREADGILL SCHOLARSHIP: Established by the Elby Ward Threadgill Estate. The scholarship will be awarded to a full-time student with home residence in Oklahoma who is a junior or senior Language Arts major with at least a 2.5 GPA. It will be funded on basis of academic merit and need. (F)


BOB LITTLE DRUM MAJOR SCHOLARSHIP: This scholarship was established in 2007 by Bob Little for the benefit of deserving drum major students. Must have a 3.0 GPA. Scholarship will be funded on the basis of academic merit and financial need. (F) DICK COY MEMORIAL MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP: A memorial to Richard Coy, former band director of SWOSU. The scholarship is awarded to an outstanding Instrumental Music Education major. (F)


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