SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

PHARM 5812 HEALTH ISSUES II Two hours lecture. A continuation of the Health Issues series, intended to promote awareness of emerging topics and concepts in pharmacy, medicine, and public health. This course will review the basic concepts of pharmacognosy and focus on current topics in the areas of alternative and complementary medicine, nutrition, disease prevention, and wellness. Prerequisite: PHARM 4712. PHARM 5822 HEALTH ISSUES III Two hours lecture. The Health Issues courses are intended to promote awareness of emerging topics and concepts in pharmacy, medicine, and public health. This course will focus on principles of pharmacogenomics and contemporary issues in personalized medicine including drug efficacy and medication safety. Prerequisite: PHARM 5812. PHARM 5823 PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION Three hours lecture. An introduction to basic management and administrative processes essential for pharmacy operations. The role of managed care in the delivery of health care at the local and national level is developed. The interface of pharmaceutical care delivery and managed care policy is examined. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: PHARM 5361. PHARM 5844 JURISPRUDENCE Four hours lecture. A survey of federal and state laws and regulations which pertain to the practice of pharmacy. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: PHARM 5234. PHARM 5853 PHARMACY ADMINSTRATION II A more advanced discussion and application of management and administrative processes essential for pharmacy operations and the delivery of health care services. Prerequisite: First professional year standing. PHARM 5914 and 5924 ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE - COMMUNITY A & B Each is a full-time monthly practicum conducted in an independent and/or chain community pharmacy. Instruction and supervised pharmacy practice training is provided by an instructor in off-campus affiliated teaching community pharmacies. The advanced student applies the knowledge and skills from previous coursework and training to demonstrate

pharmaceutical care in ambulatory patients. Prerequisites: Fourth professional year standing. PHARM 5934 ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE - INSTITUTIONAL A full-time monthly practicum conducted in an institutional setting. The advanced student utilizes their previous coursework and training to demonstrate the application of pharmaceutical care. Drug policy management, distribution systems and administrative activities are also covered. Prerequisites: Fourth professional year standing. PHARM 5944 and 5984 ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE - SELECTIVE A & B Each is a full-time monthly practicum conducted at a pharmacy practice site. Instruction and supervised pharmacy practice training is provided by an instructor at a pharmacy practice site. The advanced student selects from a variety of optional pharmacy practice experiences including medicine and/or home health care, consulting practice, nuclear pharmacy, Indian health services, specialty compounding pharmacies, managed care, administrative rotations, additional community or institutional rotations. Prerequisite: Fourth professional year standing. PHARM 5954, 5964 and 5974 ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE - MEDICINE SELECTIVE A, MEDICINE SELECTIVE B, & GENERAL MEDICINE Each is a full-time monthly practicum with supervised instruction in a patient care setting, including ambulatory care. The advanced student must demonstrate the application of pharmaceutical care to patients throughout the rotation experience. This is accomplished by Socratic faculty teaching utilizing low student to faculty ratios and intense problem solving activities. Prerequisites: Fourth professional year standing. PHARM 5994 ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE EXPERIENCE - AMBULATORY CARE A full-time monthly practicum with supervised instruction in an ambulatory care setting. The advanced student must demonstrate the application of pharmaceutical care to patients throughout the rotation experience. This is accomplished by Socratic faculty teaching utilizing low student to faculty ratios and intense problem solving activities. Prerequisite: Fourth professional year standing.


PHARM 4101-2 PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH One to two hours credit. Under guidance and supervision by a College of Pharmacy faculty member, pharmacy students will participate in original research projects in the pharmaceutical sciences or in the area of pharmacotherapeutics. Prerequisites: Second year standing; consent of instructor. PHARM 4602 SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS A study of misused or abused substances, including addiction theories and mechanisms of addictive behaviors, the action and consequences of substance abuse, and the methods used by society and the medical establishment to treat addictive behaviors. Open to pharmacy, upper division, and graduate non-pharmacy students.


Two-hour lecture. An elective course that examines historical and sociological ideas related to the development of cultural competence. A culturally competent healthcare provider, who fully understands the patient’s values, preferences, and beliefs about health and wellness, is essential to providing patient-centered care. Culturally competent healthcare providers are self-aware, respectful of others, lifelong learners and provide high quality care to all. Prerequisite: Second professional year standing or permission of the instructor.


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