SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

PHARM 5312 POST GRADUATE PREPARATION Two-hour lecture/online. An elective course focused on professional preparation for students interested in pursuing residency or other post- graduate opportunities. Focus on development of curriculum vitae, letters of intent, personal statements, and presentation and interviewing skills. Development of other pertinent professional attitudes will be covered. Involvement in pharmacy organizations, volunteerism, and student scholarship will also be discussed and encouraged. There is a service learning requirement as well as encouraged attendance of two state or national pharmacy organizational meetings during the semester. Prerequisite: Third professional year standing and instructor approval. PHARM 5342 CURRENT CONCEPTS IN PHARMACY PRACTICE An elective course dealing with current topics in pharmacy practice. Prerequisite: PHARM 4323 or consent of instructor. PHARM 5422 CURRENT CONCEPTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Two-hour lecture. An elective course dealing with new processes and techniques in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery. After giving a brief introduction about different processes in drug discovery, some important drug discovery cases will be studied. Prerequisite: PHARM 3405, PHARM 4512 or permission of instructor. PHARM 5712 VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY Two-hour lecture. An elective course dealing with the overview of drugs and/or drug use that is unique to veterinary practice as well as discussion of the pathophysiology and pharmacology of veterinary diseases. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment: PHARM 4644 or consent of instructor. PHARM 5772 CURRENT CONCEPTS IN PHARMACOLOGY An elective course dealing with current topics in pharmacology. Prerequisite: PHARM 4634 or permission of the instructor. PHARM 5802 CURRENT TOPICS IN PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION Two-hour lecture. The exploration of current administrative principles which affect the practice of retail, home health and institutional pharmacy with the objective of orienting the student to the latest developments in areas of risk management, business enhancement and management theory. Prerequisite: Second professional year standing or permission of the instructor. PHARM 5902 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR THE PHARMACIST Two-hour lecture. A study of financial planning, investment analysis, tax analysis, budgeting, and other aspects of personal and business finances. Prerequisites: Second professional year standing or permission of the instructor.

PHARM 4732 PHARMACY CASE STUDIES Two-hour lecture. Using an active-learning approach, pharmacy students will evaluate patient information in both community and health-system pharmacy scenarios, identify clinically significant problems, and consult appropriate guidelines from the medical literature to determine solutions to patient problems. The course serves as an introduction to case study analysis for students transitioning to pharmacotherapy course work, but also provides advanced students additional opportunities to apply knowledge and to practice case study skills. Prerequisites: PHARM 4612, PHARM 4634 or concurrent enrollment. PHARM 4811-2 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PHARMACY ADMINISTRATION One-two hour’s credit. Seminar/discussion/special projects format of current topics and research in pharmacy administration. Prerequisite: First professional year standing. PHARM 4842 LEGAL ISSUES IMPACTING PHARMACISTS Two-hour lecture. An elective course that addresses and prepares pharmacy students for many of the challenges facing future leadership and management in the profession. Students will be involved in case discussions, mock events, and a review of laws involving pharmacy employers/employees, business and personal life. Prerequisite: Second professional year standing or permission of the instructor. PHARM 4852 ISSUES IN BUYING AND SELLING A PHARMACY Two-hour lecture. An elective course that addresses issues when buying and/or selling a pharmacy and prepares the pharmacy student for many of the challenges expected when involved in such a transaction. Students will be exposed to all aspects of such transactions including asset transfer, contract review, financing, and development of the business plan. Prerequisite: Second professional year standing or permission of the instructor. PHARM 4862 INTRODUCTION TO INFECTIOUS DISEASES Two hours lecture. Interactive elective course that introduces the pharmacy student to basic principles of infectious disease pharmacotherapy. A strong emphasis will be given to the mechanism of action, spectrum of activity, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse effects, and drug interactions associated with various antimicrobial drug classes. This course is designed to develop the skills necessary to formulate appropriate antimicrobial regimens to treat common infectious diseases. PHARM 5172 CURRENT CONCEPTS IN PHARMACEUTICS An elective course dealing with current topics in pharmaceutics. Prerequisite: PHARM 3123 or consent of instructor.

ALTERNATIVE PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVES SPAN 3023 SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Course designed to develop language skills with a focus on listening and speaking to provide vocabulary and conversational practice in realistic healthcare, pharmacy and/or emergency situations with emphasis on real- life vocabulary. Spanish-language media and public-service opportunities; planned and spontaneous activities augment course text. F, S


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