Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025
SECUNDUM ARTUM COMPOUNDING SCHOLARSHIPS: Supported by David and Kay Sparks of Professional Compounding Centers of America, these scholarships are presented to professional students with an interest in compounding.
WALTER L. DICKISON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of Dr. Walter L. Dickison, Dean Emeritus of the College of Pharmacy. WARDEN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP: Established by Warden family members who are SWOSU Pharmacy graduates: David Warden (1979); David Lee Warden, Jr. (2009); and Jeanna Warden Smith (2013). W. A. "TATE" TAYLOR MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of the former Executive Director of the Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association and friend of the College of Pharmacy.
SHELDON WEBB ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: Established by 2008 College of Pharmacy graduate, Sheldon Webb.
SONOBE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP: Blake and Janie Sonobe established this scholarship in 2014 for the benefit of students majoring in one of the following departments: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Chemistry or Pre-Pharmacy. (F) SOUTHWESTERN PHARMACY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS: Practice Grants established by the Southwestern Pharmacy Alumni Association.
SUSAN BOOKOUT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of Susan Bookout, a graduate of the College of Pharmacy.
WAYNE BEARDEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of Wayne Bearden, a graduate of the College of Pharmacy.
VAUGHAN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP: Endowed by Brad and Tami Vaughan, both graduates of the College of Pharmacy, to assist students with financial need and who demonstrate strong organizational and leadership skills. VELMA EATON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of Mrs. Velma Eaton, wife of one of the founders of the College of Pharmacy. WALGREENS DIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS: Provided by the Walgreens company to increase awareness in diversity and community outreach.
W. D. STROTHER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP: In memory of W. D. Strother, former Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
50 th -YEAR CLASS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP: Established by alumni who have celebrated fifty years since graduating from the College of Pharmacy.
Special recognition is given to pharmacy students at the Annual Pharmacy Honors and Awards Convocation and through senior awards presented at the Graduate Recognition Ceremony. Recognition may be in the form of scholarships or other valued awards: APhA/ASP OUTSTANDING SENIOR RECOGNITION AWARD: A certificate presented by the ASP advisor to an outstanding member of ASP. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY RECOGNITION AWARDS: Appropriate awards are presented by the faculty to professional students who have made significant contributions to the College of Pharmacy. EXCELLENCE IN PHARMACY PRACTICE AWARDS: Presented for superior performance during Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. MERCK ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: These awards are presented to students with high scholastic achievement and leadership qualities. MANUAL AWARD FOR MYLAN IN PHARMACY AWARD: This award is presented to a professional student on the basis of excellent scholarship and leadership achievement. PHARMACEUTICALS EXCELLENCE OKLAHOMA ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP AWARD: This award provides a one-year membership in the Oklahoma Pharmaceutical Association. PHARMACISTS
OKLAHOMA HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACISTS ANNUAL AWARD: This annual award is presented to a professional student, selected by the faculty, who has a professional interest in hospital pharmacy. SOCIETY OF SISTER MARY TERESA BRAMSIEPE AWARD: An engraved plaque is presented by the sisters of St. Francis and St. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City to a student who has a special interest in hospital pharmacy. PHARMACY OUTSTANDING GRADUATE AWARD: This award, which is presented to the outstanding graduate, is based on superior professional & scholastic achievement. SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE OF SOUTHWESTERN PHARMACY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE AWARD: The Alumni Association provides financial support through the awarding of scholarships and by assisting with various student functions. SOUTHWESTERN PHARMACY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE AWARD: This award recognizes a graduating student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and service to the profession. WOLTERS KLUWER AWARD OF EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL COMMUNICATION: This award is given to a professional student on the basis of academic achievement and superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.
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