SWOSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Southwestern Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

following elements: o Basic science content that includes an introduction to Physics and laboratory experiences; o Mathematical content that includes the application of integral and differential calculus, differential equations, systems of equations using linear algebra, and probability and statistics; o Technical core that prepares students for the increasingly complex technical specialties they will experience later in the curriculum; o Integration of content in specialty courses that develops student competencies in applying both scientific and mathematical skills in solving problems. • Preparing students with the factual knowledge, theoretical insight, and skills necessary to: o Construct an appropriate understanding of physical phenomena in an applied and interdisciplinary context; o Communicate effectively; o Develop as emerging leaders in engineering, physics, academia, medicine, business, and public service. o Participate ethically as members of the global society throughout their careers. 2. To prepare scientifically and mathematically competent students to join the engineering staff of industries or of government laboratories. 3. To prepare scientifically and mathematically competent students to pursue graduate education in a broad range of programs including but not limited to physics, engineering, and astrophysics. 4. To provide a broad foundation in the physical sciences for students who wish to pursue careers in physics, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, optometry, or education. 5. To provide general education courses for all students in the College of Arts and Sciences to enrich their educational experience in physical sciences.

veterinarian, pre-dental, and pre-optometry students find the BA in Chemistry an excellent major in their pursuit of a professional degree. Graduates with B.A. degrees also obtain jobs in analytical, environmental, and drug testing labs. Students in the B.A. program may choose to specialize in biochemistry or environmental chemistry by selecting the options shown in the program description.


B.S. in Engineering Physics


Physics Physical Science


Pre-Engineering Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry


In addition to the students in the programs above, the Physics faculty advises students whose career choices include meteorology, architecture, electronics and aerospace. The Physics faculty provides service courses for general education, teacher education, pre-pharmacy, pre-physical therapy, and for students who are studying for majors in the biological sciences, chemistry and industrial technology


The diversity in academic backgrounds and experiences of the Chemistry faculty members and their commitment to high-quality education give the Southwestern Oklahoma State University chemistry major a competitive edge for success. Each area of specialization is taught by an instructor with a Ph.D. in that area, such as organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and physical chemistry. The small class and laboratory sizes allow extensive class discussions and one-on- one interactions with the instructor. Students have ample opportunities to ask their instructor questions. Laboratory experience is essential for a well-prepared chemist. The Chemistry program at SWOSU emphasizes this side of chemical education through a variety of laboratory classes, each taught by a Ph.D. chemist. Junior and senior students working on either B.S. degree select a research project under the direction of a Chemistry professor. This allows one-on-one instruction on projects of current scientific interest. Students will gain experience not only in traditional chemistry techniques but will also have an opportunity to operate modern scientific instrumentation. Selected laboratory experiments are interfaced directly to computers for convenient real time data collection and analysis. Graduates of the Chemistry program have held positions at ConocoPhillips, Dow, DuPont, Halliburton, Imation, Merck, Chevron Phillips, 3M, Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (forensics lab), and other companies. Past graduates have taken positions on the faculties of Xavier University, Oregon State University, University of Illinois, Texas A & M, Louisiana State University, and the University of Tulsa. Graduates from the Chemistry program are in demand at graduate schools across the nation where they are offered scholarships that finance their graduate education. Many graduates opt for this advanced degree opportunity. Currently, SWOSU Chemistry graduates are pursuing advanced degrees at Harvard University and Oxford University (UK) as well as other prestigious universities around the country. Chemistry graduates from SWOSU have also had a high acceptance rate at professional (medical, dental, and optometry) schools.


B.S. Chemistry (Professional) B.S. Chemistry B.A. Chemistry • Biochemistry specialization • Environmental chemistry specialization




Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Dental Pre-Veterinary Medicine Pre-Engineering


The Chemistry Program offers two degree plans, the B.A. and the B.S. The latter degree has two options: B.S. and B.S. Professional. The B.S. Professional option is certified by the American Chemical Society and is designed for the chemistry student who intends to pursue an advanced degree or wants a competitive advantage in employment after graduation. ACS-certified degrees are recognized by industry and graduate schools as meeting the standards set forth by the ACS Committee on Professional Training. The B.S. degree is designed for the student who plans to seek employment in a chemistry field upon graduation. The B.A. degree is designed for the student who plans to use a background in chemistry in association with another area of work such as business, journalism, marketing, or law. Many pre-medicine, pre-


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