2022 Corporate Report

Corporate Report for the year ended 30 June 2022

Introduction and overview

Business performance

Governance and risk

Directors’ report

Remuneration report

Financial statements

Sustainability supplement

Security holder information



Location or response

General disclosures 102-13

Membership of associations

Key Australian memberships include: • Committee for Economic Development of Australia • Infrastructure Partnerships Australia • Business Council of Australia • Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) • Roads Australia • Electric Vehicle Council

• Business Renewables Centre Australia • Intelligent Transport Systems Australia • Signatory member of UN Global Compact/Global Compact Network Australia • ISC Modern Slavery Coalition pilot (road construction sector) • National Road Safety Partnership Program • Thriving Communities Partnership • Social Traders Key North American memberships include: • The Association for the Improvement of American Infrastructure • American Highway Users Alliance

• American Road and Transportation Builders Association • International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association

• Intelligent Transportation Society of America • Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia • Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance.


Statement from senior decision-maker

FY22 Corporate Report/Letter from the Chair and CEO

FY22 Corporate Report/Business strategy FY22 Corporate Report/Global Trends influencing our strategy FY22 Corporate Report/Governance and risk FY22 Corporate Governance Statement material risk disclosure FY22 Corporate Governance Statement Code of Conduct and Ethical Business Practices Policy


Key impacts, risks, and opportunities


Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement Whistleblower Policy


Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Governance structure

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Delegating authority


Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

The following executives were responsible for several key economic, environmental, and social matters in FY22: • Sustainability Strategy, economic performance: Chief Financial Officer (Michelle Jablko) • Health, safety, and environment: Group Executive Partners, Delivery and Risk (Hugh Wehby) • Community: Group Executives of regional markets (Henry Byrne, Pierce Coffee, Andrew Head, Michele Huey, Sue Johnson) • Customer: Group Executive Customer and Technology (Simon Moorfield) • Diversity: Group Executive People and Culture (Suzette Corr).


Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

FY22 Corporate Report/Business Strategy/Working with our stakeholders

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Composition of the highest governance body and its committees

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Chair of the highest governance body

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

FY22 Corporate Governance Statement


Conflicts of interest


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