TLMI Converter ( Cont’d from Page 1)
And one of the ways in which to build a vibrant cul- ture is to show that the people in the company are valued. “When people feel valued, things happen,” Elton said. To illustrate this point, Elton shared results from sur- veys that indicate that it is statistically impossible to have an engaged employee at work if they do not feel valued. Elton shared case studies from corporations that had found ways to elevate and improve their cul- tures. At Avis, Elton interviewed a young manager named Carlos who started what he called Ten Pennies. The idea was simple: Every morning he put ten pen- nies in his right pocket and every time he have a posi- tive interaction with another employee and gave them praise, he moved one penny to the other pocket. In this way, Carlos could track that he had at least 10 pos- itive interactions with employees every single day. It also kept him away from his desk and out among the workforce.The Ten Penny philosophy worked so well that Avis used it as a national campaign. Elton said that 87 percent of global employees claim they are somewhat disengaged or actively dis- engaged. “Let’s face it,” he said, “in a world where being ‘fierce’ or ‘tough’ are often prized, kindness hardly seems in vogue. It’s a shame because kindness can be very good for your business, very good.” Listen To Your Business Elton said he can often tell if a business is healthy the moment he walks in the front door. “Listen to your business,” he said.“If it’s loud, it’s healthy. If you walk in and it’s quiet, they don’t trust the person you are with, which is usually the boss. If it gets louder when the boss comes in, that’s a healthy company.” Elton said the ratio between positive and negative interactions in the work place should be about 5 to 1. According to a Harvard Business Review study he ref- erenced, top performing teams gave each other 5.6 positive comments for each negative. He also stressed that the things that motivate employees are chang- ing. Millennials have very different standards for what makes a compelling workplace. For instance, Millennials believe teams accomplish more than in- dividuals, and they are much more motivated by the impact they make, the ability to learn and spending time with family than they are by money. “Every impression matters,” he concluded. “If you want to make your day a little better, go appreciate someone. Send people home happy.” Claudia St John, President of Affinity HR Group, broke the attendees into small groups where they could work on topics they themselves deemed im- portant to their companies.
SteveWoodard and Mike Foran together have logged more than 75 years serving people in flexography. They know how tough it is to keep your operations healthy today. Margins rely on everyone and everything performing and delivering according to plan. That’s why these ARChitects of Flexo should be a part of your plan. ARC International embodies a team of flexo-focused gurus, all trained to ensure that everything rolling on your flexo line is engineered to give you healthy profits. From ink consumption, to volumes and densities, to hard lines and soft fades— if it involves moving, coating, or printing a substrate, The ARChitects of Flexo have the evidence-based proof and scientific insight to make your line run true and fruitful. Why not put your best team on the line? Contact ARC today. Together we’ll draw up a plan to give you a healthy bottom line. Meet us in booth #631
ARCInternational.com 800-526-4569
The ARChitects of Flexo
(Cont’d on Page 10)
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