King's Business - 1970-03

Family FOR CHRIST AND COUNTRY by Lambert C. Mims Quality moral lives of political leaders are frequently found in short supply. Standing unique and somewhat above the usual claque in a few rare instances are genu­ ine born-again professing Chris­ tians. Lambert C. Mims, former city commissioner and presently Mayor of Mobile, Alabama, is such a person. His Honor in For Christ and Country considers the chal­ lenges, opportunities, problems, and advantages of evangelicals serving in high public office. Without apology, this Bible- carrying Baptist traces his early public life from the days when the Lord clearly led him to cam­ paign for elective office to the ful­ filling experience of serving as mayor of one of America’s large metropolitan cities. Prayer and the Bible have been vital corner stones of his political philosophy. They have been used in his efforts as a commissioner to clean up Mobile’s newsstands and theatre screens, as well as to improve its streets and water supply. Christians are needed in the political world to make their in­ fluence felt. Mayor Mims indi­ cates, “too many are seeking to take God out of every phase of public life.” Refreshing is the scene of a man respected and suc­ cessful in public life retaining a strong Christian witness. — 128 pages. Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany; $3.50. Reviewed by C. David Peters. STORIES CONCERNING PEGGY, A Series of Paperbacks by Dorothy Martin. Each bo k has 128 pages; paperback; Moody Pres , Chi­ cago, III.; $.60. Individual titles include“A Chapter Closed for Peggy,” "A New Lifefor Peggy.” “Open Doors for Peggy,” “Wider Horizons for Peggy,” “Heart Surrender for Peggy,” “More Answers for Peggy,” “Hopes Fulfilled for Peggy,” “A Mystery Solved for Peg y.” Pegy is a believable teenagerwith her believable hang-ups, frustrations, tri­ umph, love, and heartaches. All of these situations play their vital role both on and off of the campus of high schools.

Christian Education WORD .BANQUET AND PARTY BOOK by Jo Holbert

chapter, do just that: INSPIRA­ TION : HOLY GROUND: PULL OFF YOUR SHOES! This sets the theme graphically for a thor­ ough, reverent, scholarly and readable examination of the vital subject of the verbal inspiration of the Word of God. The book is arranged well, with a clear outline preceding each chapter which is followed careful­ ly in presenting the argument. Two extremely valuable additions are a commentary on various translations of the Bible and an annotated bibliography in which the leading volumes on the in­ spiration of the Bible in the Eng­ lish language are reviewed and evaluated briefly. The type is clear and legible; the paper very white. We are deeply indebted to Dr. Rice, veteran minister of the Gos­ pel, Bible teacher, evangelist, au­ thor, and above all, defender of the faith, for his painstaking la­ bors in gathering into one in­ expensive volume such massive proofs — from the Bible itself, from its supporters and lovers, from the writings of learned men — that it is indeed a God- breathed, not man-made, book. In this crowning achievement of this faithful servant of God is an ap­ peal to the heart of every believ­ er. I t contains warmth, but warn­ ing also, as in the sentence in chapter 2: “There is a moral guilt in unbelief about Christ and the Bible.” I trust it may become a part of the library of every min­ ister and everyone training for Christian service at home and abroad.—416 pages ; cloth, Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfrees­ boro, Tenn.; $5.95. Reviewed by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor Biola College.

This book is good source mate­ rial for the Christian educator.' Thorough planning is emphasized, including publicity, decorations, menu, program, and some devo­ tional suggestions. More space is devoted to banquet ideas than to parties and, for the most part, it appears, with adult groups in mind. For the social chairman with artistic talent and ample time for preparation this book should be a gold mine. — 234 pages; cloth; Word Books, Waco, Tex., $4.95. — Reviewed by M. Hart. TEENS ALIVE by Roy F. HeiserandWilliam J. Krutza. 114 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. A com­ panion volume to “When TeensRebel” that will be of interest to parents and Christian Education workerswho deal with teenagers. QUIZ AND PUZZLE BOOKS publishedby Bak­ er Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. A series of paperbacksincluding THE NEW TESTA­ MENT IN CROSSWORD PUZZLES by Lucile Johnson,WHO, WHAT, WHERE BIBLE QUIZZES by Max Stilson,THE BIBLE QUIZ BOOK by Frederic Hall, and KNOWYOUR BIBLE QUIZ BOOK by Amos R. Wels. $1.50 each; paper; 100 pagesor more in each volume. Pastors OUR GOD-BREATHED BOOK— THE BIBLE by John R. Rice, D.D. Often the first few words of any piece of writing determine whether or not the attention of the writer will be caught and held. Certainly not only the title of this magnificent volume, but also the initial words in the first



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