King's Business - 1970-03

about it, because they did not get permission from the baby to search his diapers. Jewel thieves can enter into a store with a baby and at gunpoint demand that the clerks hand over thousands of dollars of valuable gems, wrap them in the baby’s diapers and walk out serenely, knowing the law cannot touch them! The next logical step in this baby diaper fiasco would be to have robbers use bed sheets for diapers instead of the customary ones. This would include many more folds and therefore much more room to stash away the loot. Even if they called the police they would be helpless, they would first have to ask the little baby for per­ mission to search its diapers! I t’s a great credit to our various police departments to realize that so many men and women remain loyal to the police force and dedicated to the task of protecting us and our homes. They risk their lives every day in order tha t our homes might be com­ paratively safe from marauders. They are making an honest and noble effort to cut down the use of drugs and narcotics only to be made fools of by decisions such as this. But let it be shouted loud and clear that it’s not the police who are the fools; it’s the jurists who are making a travesty of the laws of our land which were written and designed with one purpose in mind, only to have them interpreted in a way completely different from the original intent of the framers of our laws. One would almost suspect that there is something sinister about the way in which our laws are being interpreted. This sort of decision makes one wonder if the charge is true that there is an element abroad which is consciously endeavoring to make impotent the laws of our land in the effort to destroy the Christian-American way of life. At least this is what seems to be taking place whether by accident or by design. The trouble is, so many o f us sit idly by, wringing our hands in despair, but doing nothing about it. We are not letting our voices be heard; we are not letting our influence be felt a t election time, and we are not sending letters and telegrams of protest to those elected officials representing us and who are aiding and abetting the cause of anti-Americanism. This is not merely a political strug­ gle; it is a moral and ideological struggle to the death. Our whole future religious liberty is at stake. Unless we who have been called “the silent majority” awaken to our responsibility, the time will surely come—and it could be real soon—when the day of liberty will have passed. We will have no one to blame but ourselves! Our children will rise to be ashamed of us who have allowed these liberties and privileges to pass without even a struggle. These are desperate days in which we live and complacency and a do-nothing attitude are all that our worst enemies could possibly ask of us. (P.S. It will be interesting to see what the good people of San Bernardino will do about the above-named judge when the elections come around, if not before!) Our sympathies are with Mr. Burns, the Deputy Dis­ trict Attorney. I t must be discouraging indeed to prepare a case and to have to present it to a jurist who rules the whole case out of court on such an utterly absurd inter­ pretation of the law. We have competent attorneys in the various offices of district attorneys, and to all such we say keep up the good work. Surely the silent majority will make its voice heard when such judges come up for re-election.


THY YOUTH —Ecclesiastes 12.1

There is no book of guidance, no textbook for the young, that can equal the Great Textbook of the Ages — the Book that gives us rules for living that will never be superseded, that will never pass away. There are no Bibles made with more care and skill than the Bibles made in Cambridge, where theprintingofBibles has been a responsibility of fine craftsmen since the sixteenth century.

MARCH, 1970


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