AP2U_Bodies Corporate and Residents-Digital

Electrical Embedded Networks An Embedded Network is a small electricity system that distributes electricity exclusively to homes or businesses wi thin a speci f ic proper ty or area – for example, an apartment building.  Embedded Networks are supplied through a connection point (parent meter) to the wider distr ibut ion network (e.g. electr ici ty gr id). The operator of an embedded network buys electr ici ty in bulk and then on-sells the electr ici ty to each connection (premises) inside the Embedded Network. Each occupant ’s consumption is individually metered using a sub-meter.  The electricity distributor and the site owner are responsible for the supply of electricity to you (including the quality and reliability of the electricity supplied) and the connection of the residential complex or building to the distribution network. The site owner incurs distribution charges from the local distributor for connection to the grid for all customers in the Embedded Network . This ex ternal network cost is usually passed on to all the respect ive customer.

The ‘Electricity Usage Tarif f ’ and ‘Supply Charge’ are established by the Body Corporate to provide maximum value to both the Occupants and the Body Corporate. 

Non-Embedded Network

Embedded Network

National Electricity Market

National Electricity Market

Customer Meter

Customer Meter

Common Area Meter

Common Area Meter

Parent Meter


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