AP2U_Bodies Corporate and Residents-Digital

Customer Choice Of Electricity Supplier Embedded network customers have the right to get their electricity (the kilowatt-hour component) from the site owner or from an authorised electricity retailer of their choice. If they get their electricity from a retailer, they may still have to pay the supply charge to the si te owner. Regional Queensland customers can choose their own electricity retailer, but only if that retailer is willing to make an of fer. Power of choice: In Victor ia, New South Wales and South East Queensland, Embedded network customers have the r ight to purchase electr ici ty from a licensed retailer of their choice. 

Customer Energy Rights Whether you buy your e l ec t r i c i t y f r om an au thor i sed ener gy r et a i l er or the s i te owner, you have access to a range of consumer protec t ions . Remember, you are not l ocked into any agreement for e l ec t r i c i t y supp l y wi th the si te owner and have the r ight to move to an elect r ici t y retailer. If you do sign a contract with a retailer you have 10 days to change your mind (the ‘cooling of f ’ period). If you’re not happy with your new retailer, you can go back to purchasing from the si te owner. Just contact your retailer and si te owner t o make a r r angement s . E x i t f ees and ea r l y t ermi na t i on f ees in Queensland are capped at $20. If you want to install a solar or bat tery system, you’ll need the permission of the site owner. 


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