2025 MC Ranch Horse Sale Catalog

EST. 2022 M C


F R I D A Y , JANUARY 24, 2 0 2 5

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY JANUARY 23, 2025 3:00 PM – Colts arrive and receive stall assignments. Colts must stay overnight. Complete Recordbooks are due at this Ɵ me. FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 2025 9:00 AM – MCJLS Yearling Ranch Horse Show • Ranch Conforma Ɵ on • Ranch Showmanship Pa Ʃ ern • Presenta Ɵ on 2:00 PM – Awards Ceremony and Sale

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CONSIGNORS We appreciate these breeders who supported our program in 2025… HT Quarter Horses (Hondo, TX 210-827-7949) HT Quarter Horses is a partnership on a small band of ranch-bred mares in Medina County. Our mares are bred to outside stallions that have won money in versa Ɵ lity ranch horse events and in the team roping futuri Ɵ es. Lot 1 Spur Headquarter Ranch (Dickens, TX 806-422-1064) Spur Headquarters, located in Dickens County, is part of the original 569,000 acre Espuela Land and Ca Ʃ le Company that was formed in 1883. Today the ranch keeps about 20 broodmares that carry the bloodlines of Ten O Sea and Josephs Gold. They stand sons of Ten O Sea, Stevie Rey Von and Dash Ta Fame. They use horses on the ranch and promote them in team roping. Lot 2 Thompson Ranches Horse Division - Espuela De Plata LLC (Pearsall, TX 830-965-3058) Espuela De Plata is the horse division located in Pearsall, TX. A day’s work is required from all of the hors- es. Mares, versa Ɵ le enough to go from under the saddle, into the broodmare band. Our horses are well known for their working endurance, hardy enough to withstand the stress of everyday ranch work. We are proud of the quality horses we raise. Standing three 3 Southland Incen Ɵ ve eligible stallions: Hercules Wild Card, HL Fulla Crackerjax and Zans Roan Manito. We breed 25 mares and keep 20 geldings in our Remuda; always have good working cow horses available. Lots 3 and 6 Diamond A Quarter Horses (Hondo, TX 210-573-7247 please text) Frank & Stephanie DeLeon started breeding Quarter Horses in 1983. In 2001 we purchased the stallion Dry Doc Peppy (an own son Peppy San). He was crossed on race bred mares and resulted in talented cowhors- es. Currently we own the stallion Who Whiz Numbre Uno (an own son of Who Whiz It out of a Nu Chex to Cash mare). Our goal is good minded all-around horse that look good. Lot 4 Weldon Beck (Snyder, TX 432-894-0440) In 1998, I purchased 15 fi llies o ff the Spade Ranch which became my founda Ɵ on mares. We started breed- ing to Watch Jo Jack and Pavo Peppy. We later used Tims Li Ʃ le King (Tim O Lena), Dr Nick (Doc Decatho- lon), and then Patriot John (by Freckles Playboy). Our current stallion is SB El Guapo Boonsmal. Through the years it has all come down to this: all the mares and colts have become excellent roping and ranch horses. The trait I am most proud of is that our colts are easy to break. Lot 5 XL Quarter Horses (Haskell, TX 940-864-2749) Founded in 1985 by Sammy and Gerre Larned, XL stands for “Excellent”. What started out as a hobby with only a few mares slowly grew into a business. XL foals around 20 babies per year. XL pasture breeds 2 studs, a bay roan son of Pepto Stylish Oak, and a buckskin son of Ten O Sea. The XL Broodmares consist of lots of color. The bloodlines of the mares are as well-bred as any in the country. The mare lines include, Peptoboonsmal, Metallic Cat, High Brow Cat, Smooth As A Cat, Peppy San Badger, Dual Rey, and Pepcid. XL s Ɵ ll has available weanlings and some 2 year-olds. XL is a carrier of “Proven Champions” (Larneds Ricoche Doc 2008, 2009, 2013 PRCA Steer Roping Horse of the Year). Call us 940-864-2749 or fi nd us on XL Quarter Horse facebook page. Lot 7

M3 Quarter Horses (512-699-9865) The mare band was formed in 2014 and later acquired the stallion Tens Blue Bell from Bill Smith in Spur, TX. Their mares are daughters of Josephs Gold, Ten O Sea and Big Cat Galarraga. They ride what they raise and also sell horses to the public. The colts have good minds and have done well as rope horses. Lot 8 Bill and Dana Smith (Spur, TX 806-269-6127) Bill put his mare band together in 1986 and s Ɵ ll keeps about 15 mares that trace back to those original lines. He runs a cow-calf opera Ɵ on in Dickens County and raises performance and using horses. Lot 9 George Driskill/Driskill Feedyard (Sabinal, TX 830-317-2300) George owns and operates Driskill Feedyard in Uvalde County. He started breeding horses to use on the ranch and in the feedyard in the early 1990’s. He uses sons of Hollywood Heat, Two Eyed Red Buck and Jess Vegas. Bobby Lewis trained George’s stallion, Heated Night, and put over 100 AQHA points in Heading, Heeling and Calf Roping. He has kept daughters by these studs to cross inside his program to create an all-around ranch horse. Lots 10, 13, 14 Anderson (Devol, OK 214-544-5878) Anderson Quarter Horses was founded in 1940 to produce horses for ranch work. In 1956, Foy Anderson traveled to Rocksprings, TX to purchase a stud colt by King out of a Wimpy daughter from Jess Hankins to strengthen his own breeding program. Since that Ɵ me, we’ve remained commi Ʃ ed to improving the performance of our horses with the addi Ɵ on of proven bloodlines, while maintaining size and bone. Our horses are used to care for yearling wheat ca Ʃ le as well as cow-calf opera Ɵ ons. Lots 11,15 Joe Sid Thomas (Carrizo Springs, TX 830-854-1144) The Spohn Middleton Ranch is a working ca Ʃ le ranch in Webb County and Joe Sid Thomas has been the manager since 2006. He started his breeding program to raise horses to use on the ranch. His studs carry the bloodlines of Play Dual Rey, Quails Yellow Berry and Ace High Cowboy. Joe breeds about 10 mares each year and has an outstanding reputa Ɵ on for raising good solid ranch/roping horses. Lot 12

PREVIOUS WINNERS 2023 Grand Champion - Campbell Pegues Jo Mecom Done It 2023 Reserve Grand Champion - Tyler Tschirhart MM Topaz City 2024 Grand Champion - Tyler Tschirhart Bucks Rich Hancock 2024 Reserve Grand Champion - Myra McGinnis Jo Dual Pet

2023 Grand Champion Campbell Pegues

2024 Grand Champion Tyler Tschirhart

SPECIAL THANKS Anderson Quarter Horses

Bill Smith Callie Ri ff Capital Farm Credit Cora Lockaby

Espuela De Plata/Lew Thompson Frank Deleon/Stephanie Stolte George Driskill Hondo Livestock Auc Ɵ on HT Quarter Horses Je ff Williams Jessica Garcia Joe Sid Thomas Jones-Naeglin Hay Farm Jus Ɵ n Walkup Bits and Spurs Kinley Neilsen Lyssy & Eckel Feeds M3 Quarter Horses McKenna Tschirhart McKinley Drilling Medina County Junior Livestock Show Mumme’s NAMGIS Quarter Horses Pawlik’s Frio Farm & Ranch Rodger Welch

Southland Incen Ɵ ve, Inc. Spur Headquarters Ranch Too Ɵ e and Lynn Ilse TXN Bank Weldon Beck Will Wallendor ff XL Quarter Horses/Sammy Larned In Memory of Chris Marshall and Sco Ʃ Bradley

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Adalida Weynand Ht Smooth Payday April 6, 2023 Sorrel Gelding



Smooth As A Cat { Stylish Play Lena One Time Pepto { Ruby Red Cat


Smooth Talkin Style

Smooth Talkin Time

Esr Tabitha

Ht Smooth Payday 6252684

Paddys Irish Whiskey


Paddys Yellow Doc


Kas Paddys Payday

Fan The Dice Pay Forty Four

{ Ms Gray Dee Ten

Ms Pay Sixteen

NOTES: Peppy is an old soul and the perfect gentleman. He has a strong topline and excellent muscle conformation. He has been saddled 20+ times without hesitation, ground driven, bridled and blanketed. He is 14.3 and still growing. He is ready to move into more expansive training. His sire is SMOOTH TALKIN TIME, RFA High Stakes Slot Heading Round 1 Open Reserve Champion. His first foals arrived in 2023. Son of SMOOTH TALKIN STYLE (AQHA/APHA), $305,284: NCHA Horse of the Year; NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; Breeders Inv. Open Derby Champion. Sire of 304 money-earners, $8,196,571, and earners of 1,152 AQHA points, including STORYTELER ($381,604: split 3rd NCHA Open Super Stakes Derby), BABY TALK ($370,034: 4th NCHA Open Futurity), A SHOOT N STAR ($288,265: 5th NCHA Non-Pro Finals), PLAYFUL SMOOTHTALKER ($283,219: NCHA Int. Open Futurity Champion)His dam is KAS PADDYS PAYDAY Maternal grandsire is PADDYS YELLOW DOC; sire of 2 money- earners, including LR BANGS AND BELLS (POWERHOUSE Barrel Racing Big Money Run Round 1 Open 3D Reserve Champion), RM PADDYS DOC BAR (Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Ranch Horse Spring Futurity Overall Open Champion). Son of PADDYS IRISH WHISKEY, $12,149: 3rd NCHA Amateur Classic/Challenge; 7th Steamboat Springs Open Derby. Sire of 207 money-earners, $1,751,645, and earners of 5,444 AQHA points QData-CB 12/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Jillian Boehme Tos Josephs 6 April 16, 2023 Bay Gelding



Docs Voyager Davie O Lena Ricochet Tucker



Ten O Sea

Tos Ten One

{ Poco Bueno Dolly Black Chick Gold { Becaco Manor Joe Paddys Irish Whiskey { Tens Pretty Mindy

La Poco Dolly

Tos Josephs 6 6266299

Josephs Gold


Josephs Pretty Six

Paddys Pretty Mindy

NOTES: Chaco has been a pleasure to have for my 2nd year in the colt program. He is 14 hands and has been easy to work with. He is good about his feet and no trouble to saddle. He is very athletic and I am excited to see what he becomes. His sire is TOS TEN ONE, Son of TEN O SEA, Southwest RCHA Futurity Senior Ranch Horse Champion; RHAA National Finals Superhorse Reserve Champion. Sire of 19 money-earners, including JUDYS TEN ($81,248 and 231 AQHA points: NRCHA World Bridle Select Non Pro Champion), HAPS GOLD TEN ($6,889: Caprock 3-Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity Champion) TENS NINE ZERO ($5,490 and an AQHA point-earner: Fort Worth Stock Show AQHA Open Versatility Ranch Horse Reserve Champion), MCC TEN GALS ($4,720: ARHFA World Championship Judged Heading Non-Pro Reserve Champion). His dam is JOSEPHS PRETTY SIX Full sister to JOSEPHS PRETTY (4th Caprock 3- Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity). Maternal grandsire is JOSEPHS GOLD, RHAA money-earner; sire of 13 money-earners, including JOSEPHS CATCHUM ALL ($16,377 and 135.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Senior Versatility Ranch Horse, Superior Versatility Ranch Horse), MISS MAGGIES JOSEPH ($7,887 and 21 AQHA points: Caprock 3-Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity Champion), SHEZA RED GOLD ($3,943: Caprock 3-Year-Old Ranch Horse Open Futurity Reserve Champion), MISS SEVEN TWO SEVEN ($3,120 and 112 AQHA QData-CB 11/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Morgan Hall Hija Fulla Cracker April 1, 2023 Bay Roan Gelding



Peptoboonsmal { Miss Smarty Rey Freckles Playboy


Hes A Peptospoonful

Hl Fulla Crackerjax

{ {

Jax Crackergirl

Hija Fulla Cracker 6253731


Captain Lena Nu Liberty Zan Silver Parr

Nu Lena


Lenas Grulla Hija

{ Last Lady Lass

Zans Gray Hija

NOTES: Wrangler is 14.2 hands and an eye catcher with his mane and tail. He will be saddled 40 times by sale day. He is quick with his feet, eager to learn and fun to work with. He is Southland Incentive eligible. Full brother to EDP PEPTO CRACKERJAX, earner of $77,500. His sire is HL FULLA CRACKERJAX; sire of EDP PEPTO CRACKERJAX ($77,500: RFA High Stakes Slot Breakaway Roping Open Champion). Son of HES A PEPTOSPOONFUL, $72,851: finalist NCHA Open Futurity. Sire of 452 money-earners, $8,757,645, earners of 3,172 AQHA points, including SPOONFULLA CAT ($296,335: finalist NCHA Open Futurity), CHERRY CHEX DUALLY ($251,103: Abilene Spectacular Open Derby Champion), SPOONFUL OF CHEERIOS ($238,267: 3rd NCHA Open Futurity), THE SILVER SPOON ($238,235: 4th NCHA Open Futurity) His dam is LENAS GRULLA HIJA. Dam of 7 AQHA foals, including EDP PEPTO CRACKERJAX ($77,500: RFA High Stakes Slot Breakaway Roping Open Champion; RFA High Stakes Slot Breakaway Roping Round 2 Open Reserve Champion; 5th ARHFA World Championship Judged 3/4-Year-Old Heading Futurity Open). Maternal grandsire is NU LENA, an AQHA point-earner and sire of 2 money-earners, including LENAS BROWN NU CHICO (top 10 San Antonio Open Ranch Gelding Stakes), LENAS BUCKSKIN (Elite Summer Sizzle Barrel Racing 50-Over Senior 4D Reserve Champion), LENAS CHICA SENORA (AQHA point-earner). QData-CB 12/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Ryleigh Maples Uno Seco Whiz March 12, 2023 Bay Gelding



Topsail Whiz { Blonde At The Bar Nu Chex To Cash { Miss Paseo De Chon

Who Whiz Numbre Uno {

Who Whiz It

Nu Chex Paseo

Uno Seco Whiz 6271271

Peppy San Dry Doc 29 Bid Alamitos

{ {

Dry Doc Peppy


Seco Peppy San

Bid So High

Why Not Me NOTES: Uno is a stunning bay horse with a great personality. He is 14 hands tall and is worked with often. He is very intelligent in his groundwork and took to being saddled for the first time with no issues. His sire is WHO WHIZ NUMBRE UNO, Four States RHA Spring Non-Pro class winner twice; Four States RHA Spring Int. Non-Pro class winner twice. His first foals arrived in 2020. His dam is SECO PEPPY SAN, an AQHA point-earner Full sister to ALL CHROME PEPPY (AQHA point-earner). Dam's sire is DRY DOC PEPPY, NCHA money-earner; sire of 3 money-earners, including MR LYNX PEPPY (AQHA point-earner: 5th SHTX Classic Ranch All-Around Open), ALL CHROME PEPPY (AQHA point-earner), DRY DOC LEMAC (AQHA point-earner), SECO PEPPY SAN (AQHA point-earner). QData-CB 12/2024




Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Riley Zinsmeyer Guapos Nick Sassy May 15, 2023 Sorrel Gelding



That Bold Express { Heiju Bluebonnet Peptos Stylish Oak { Countess Warfreckles

Sb El Guapo Boonsmal {

Je Blue Express

Jewels Pepto

Guapos Nick Sassy 6298562

Tim O Lena Chavela King Peppy Taito


Tims Little King


Nicks Sassy Doc

{ Wampus Lady Scat

RS Sissy

NOTES: Willie is 13.2 hands tall and has been gentle and easy from the start. He has been saddled, lunged, hobbled, bathed and ground driven. He will have about 25 rides by sale day. His sire is SB EL GUAPO BOONSMAL, Son of JE BLUE EXPRESS, an AQHA point-earner: AQHA World Senior Tie-Down Roping qualifier. Sire of SB MARTINA EXPRESS (Mexico CCCM Festival Del CABALLO Barrel Racing Open 3D Reserve Champion), SB FRESITA ONE (AQHA point- earner; NRHA money-earner), SB AUSENTE STARLIGHT (AQHA point-earner). Son of THAT BOLD EXPRESS, $21,830 and 411.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Judged Junior Heading Reserve Champion; AQHA High Point Heading Champion; AQHA High Point Senior Heading Champion; split 3rd Fort Worth Stock Show Timed Event Challenge Team Roping; 4th AQHA World Judged Senior Open Heeling; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping, Heading and Heeling. Sire of 7 money-earners, including MISS BOLD MOONLIGHT ($8,647). His dam is NICKS SASSY DOC Maternal grandsire is TIMS LITTLE KING 91. Son of TIM O LENA, 389 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Working Cow Horse; Oklahoma RCHA Futurity Bridle Champion; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling; Superior Reining; Superior Working Cow Horse. Sire of 12 money-earners, 16 AQHA point- earners, including ABILENALENA ($5,520 and 48.5 AQHA points: NRHA Novice Horse Open Derby Champion). QData-CB 12/2024

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HONDO 830.741.2040 NMLS493828

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Joaquin Bermea Wildcards Easy Lena February 25, 2023 Palomino Gelding



Hollywood Dun It { Colonel C Hermosa Colonel Clout { Athenas Angel


Wild Card Dun It Col C Spring Fling

Hercules Wild Card

Wildcards Easy Lena 6250020

Captain Lena Nu Liberty Mr Honey Skip

{ {

Nu Lena


Nu Easy Lena

Easy Come Easy Glo

Glowing Style NOTES: Yella is 14.1 hands and built stout. He takes everything like a champ with no fuss. You can't go wrong with his disposition, looks and size. He will have 30 rides by sale day. He is Southland Incentive eligible. His sire is HERCULES WILD CARD, His first foals arrived in 2021. Son of WILD CARD DUN IT, $21,306 and 392 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Junior Heading Champion; AQHA High Point Junior Heeling Champion; AQHA High Point Heeling Stallion; AQHA Reserve High Point Heading Champion; AQHA Reserve High Point Heeling Champion; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling. Sire of 17 money-earners, including FROTHY WILD CARD ($61,900: Womens Rodeo World Champ Breakaway Roping Open Champion), NIFTY WILD CARD ($25,000: RFA High Stakes Slot Breakaway Roping Round 2 Open Champion), NACHO MAN WILD CARD ($22,950: RFA 5 & Under Breakaway Roping Open Futurity Champion), ANN LAUREL WILD CARD ($14,177: All-In Barrel Racing #1 Finals Youth 1D Champion), WILD CARD JACKSON ($10,086 and 109.5 AQHA points). His dam is NU EASY LENA Maternal grandsire is NU LENA, an AQHA point-earner and sire of 2 money- earners, including LENAS BROWN NU CHICO (top 10 San Antonio Open Ranch Gelding Stakes), LENAS BUCKSKIN (Elite Summer Sizzle Barrel Racing Sidepot Day 1 50-Over Senior 4D Reserve Champion), LENAS CHICA SENORA (AQHA point-earner). Son of CAPTAIN LENA; sire of JAY SEQUIN (27.5 AQHA points). QData-CB 12/2024

Highest Earner- Duals Yellow Berry

Southland Earnings: $52,330 Breeder: Roger Hill, Three Too Ranch Ridden by Braden Martinez

High Seller- Dun Remedys Leo Otoe

Breeder: Christopher Bethune, Heart Bar Horse & Cattle Co Consignor: Heart Bar Horse & CattleCo Buyer: Kara Petrus

6746 HWY 202 Beeville, TX 78102 210.378.9478

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Cash Menchaca Larneds Pepsi Piper April 16, 2023 Bay Gelding



Docs Voyager Davie O Lena Black Chick Gold



Ten O Sea Telena Gold

Tos Telena Gold

{ Melody Peggy

Larneds Pepsi Piper 6258045

Surprise Enterprise


Natural Enterprise

Larneds Pepcid Piper {


Ima Little Peppier { Playboys Jettie

Ms Peppier Playgirl

NOTES: Skillet is good minded, has a solid foundation and huge potential. He is 14 hands tall and extremely gentle. He is poised to become a reliable and hard working ranch horse or a performance prospect. His sire is TOS TELENA GOLD, Son of TEN O SEA, Southwest RCHA Futurity Senior Ranch Horse Champion; RHAA National Finals Superhorse Reserve Champion. Sire of 19 money-earners, including JUDYS TEN ($81,248 and 231 AQHA points: NRCHA World Bridle Select Non Pro Champion), HAPS GOLD TEN ($6,889: Caprock Futurity Champion), TEN O SEA MOONSHINE ($5,690: Caprock 3-Year-Old Ranch Horse Limited Open Futurity Champion), TENS NINE ZERO ($5,490 and an AQHA point-earner: Fort Worth Stock Show AQHA Open Versatility Reserve Champion), MCC TEN GALS ($4,720: ARHFA World Championship Non-Pro Reserve Champion), TOS NINE FOUR ($3,040: RHAA Senior Horse of the Year Champion). His dam is LARNEDS PEPCID PIPER Maternal grandsire is NATURAL ENTERPRISE, $8,637 and 10.5 AQHA points: ROM. Sire of 14 money-earners, including NATURAL FUTURE (RHAA $3,933), MCC NATURAL KING ($3,420: Caprock 3-Year-Old Ranch Horse Open Futurity Reserve Champion), BUDHA ENTERPRISE ($3,250: WRCA World Ranch Rodeo Top Horse), NATURAL TIVIO ($3,244: RHAA Ranch Hand Horse of The Year Champion), MCC PLAYIN NATURAL (3rd Caprock 3-Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity) QData-CB 12/2024

XL Quarter Horses Sammy Larned Haskell, Texas 940-864-2749

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Dracen Pawlik MM Hermano March 2, 2023 Sorrel Gelding



Plenty Try { Chucker Maid 83 { Lady Cardinal 93 Ten O Sea High Brow Cat { Playboys Ruby Zan Parr Sunjack { Lucky Double Angel


Dividend Coup

Tens Blue Bell

Tens Lady Cardinal

MM Hermano 6259399

Big Cat Galarraga

Sw Freckled Gala Cat {

Freckles Yellow Lady

NOTES: Gus is curious and a fast learner. He has had lots of groundwork which has helped him build trust with people. He will have 20 rides by sale day and has remained gentle. He stands 13.3 hands today and is ready for the next owner to step on and ride. His sire is TENS BLUE BELL; sire of 3 money-earners, including JOSEPHS BLUE GAL ($7,357: 5th KK Run for Vegas JUNIOR-NFR World Pole Bending Pole Bending Average Youth), TBB NINETY FIVE ONE (3rd Caprock 3-Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity). Son of DIVIDEND COUP; sire of JOSEPHS DIVIDEND (RHAA money-earner). Son of PLENTY TRY; sire of WYO BLUE HAYES (15 AQHA points: 3rd WFQHA World Junior Steer Stopping Roping Open) His dam is SW FRECKLED GALA CAT Maternal grandsire is BIG CAT GALARRAGA; sire of 11 money-earners, including WHO DAT NATTY CAT ($20,488: RFA High Stakes Slot Breakaway Roping Round 1 Open Reserve Champion), BIG CATS MONKEY ($4,000 and an AQHA point-earner: 3rd AQHA/PRCA Tie-Down Roping Horse of The Year twice), SW NATURAL LIL CAT ($3,258: World CHA Finals Ranch Cutting All-Age Open class winner), SW GALARRAGA CREEK (money-earner ARHFA Heading Futurity Open), PADDYS IRISH CAT (RHAA $1,826), BIG CATS ALLIGATOR (SHTX Ranch Derby Belcher Scholarship Award Champion), GRAY CAT BONITA (4th AQHA Ranch Heritage Finals 4-Over Barrel Racing Amateur). QData-CB 12/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Ryan Hatcher Mr Yellow Bell



March 11, 2023 Palomino Gelding

Plenty Try { Chucker Maid 83 { Lady Cardinal 93 Ten O Sea Rockin W { Tens Blue Fifteen { Crows Magpie Ten O Sea


Dividend Coup

Tens Blue Bell

Tens Lady Cardinal

Mr Yellow Bell 6275232

Fifteen Rockin


Miss Rock Magpie

Magpie O Sea

NOTES: Spur Texas is 13.3 hands and very stout. He is quick and snappy when he lunges. He'll be saddled 15 times by sale day and has handled it all well. He is an athlete with no quit and should have a bright future. His sire is TENS BLUE BELL; sire of 3 money-earners, including JOSEPHS BLUE GAL ($7,357: 5th KK Run for Vegas JUNIOR-NFR World Pole Bending Pole Bending Average Youth), TBB NINETY FIVE ONE (3rd Caprock 3-Year-Old Open Ranch Horse Futurity), TBB MAGGIE BELL (3rd Caprock 3-Year-Old Ranch Horse Futurity Limited Open). Son of DIVIDEND COUP; sire of JOSEPHS DIVIDEND (RHAA money-earner). Son of PLENTY TRY; sire of WYO BLUE HAYES (15 AQHA points: 3rd WFQHA World Junior Steer Stopping Roping Open), PLENTY WHIZ BLITZ (AQHA point-earner). He is by GOOSEBERRY; sire of LEO DRIFT LADY (6.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Junior Working Cow Horse qualifier). His dam is MISS ROCK MAGPIE A granddaughter of ROCKIN W, $329,722: NCHA Open Futurity Champion; top 10 NCHA Open Derby. Sire of 169 money-earners, $1,970,728, 25 AQHA point- earners, including ROCKIN KW ($216,686: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse), ROCKIN THOSE TRICKS ($138,133: NCHA $50,000 Amateur Co-Reserve World Champion), ROCKIN SALLYCAT ($125,033: split 3rd NCHA Open Futurity). QData-CB 12/2024

313 US Highway 90 E Hondo, TX 78861 210-434-7867

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Elle Lutz

Dual Jess Luckyy May 4, 2023 Palomino Colt



Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Sixes Vegas



Jess Vegas

Dual Jess

Dual Pep { My Colonels Girl

Sheza Dual Pep

Dual Jess Luckyy 6298541

Hollywood Heat Leo Night Glo Zan Par Peppy


Heated Night


Heated Lucky Girl

{ Lucky Mox Girl

Gd Lucky Girl

NOTES: Pistol is 13.2 hands and a cowboy horse. He has lots of try and moves around like he would be fun to ride. He has steadily improved through all of our workday drills. He has been saddled about 10 times and he is ready to step on and ride. His sire is DUAL JESS, His first foals arrived in 2022. Son of JESS VEGAS; sire of 12 money-earners, including CAJUNELLA JESS ($54,270: Royal Crown Buckeye #11 Heeling Jackpot Champion), JESS SPECIAL EFFORT ($8,872: 3rd Royal Crown Rock Springs Judged 8-Under Heading Limited Open), STREAK TO VEGAS ($5,828: split 3rd Royal Crown Barrel Racing Buckeye Day 1 Open 4D), JESS THE BEST ($3,627: Cornhusker Barrel Racing Breeders Futurity Round 1 2D Champion). His dam is HEATED LUCKY GIRL Maternal grandsire is HEATED NIGHT, $9,347 and 333.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Tie- Down Roping; finalist AQHA World Judged Junior Open Tie-Down Roping; finalist AQHA World Judged Junior Heading; AQHA High Point Junior Heading Open Leader; AQHA High Point Junior Heeling Leader; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping, Heading and Heeling. Sire of 3 money-earners, including MISTER BAR NIGHT ($12,669 and 35 AQHA points: 4th ARHFA World Championship Judged Open Heeling Futurity), MS HEATED FRECKLES (Elite Summer SIZZLE Extravaganza Barrel Racing Youth 5D Champion). QData-CB 12/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Brooklyn Zinsmeyer Aqh Harvard Blue 15



May 1, 2023 Sorrel Gelding

Cats Merada { Chex Party Mix 601 Zack Schmidt { Dual Red Boon Black Chick Gold { Becaco Manor Joe Dividend Coup { Tens Lady Cardinal


Harvard 412

Cats Trippin 417

Angies Heart Throb

Aqh Harvard Blue 15 6287634

Josephs Gold


Josephs Blue Belle

Tens Blue Fifteen

NOTES: Boone is 13.2 hands, very spirited, agile and athletic. He has been lunged, hobbled and trailered with ease. He will have 10 rides by sale day. His sire is CATS TRIPPIN 417, His first foals arrived in 2020. A grandson of CATS MERADA, $177,900: 3rd NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic; 3rd NCHA Open Classic/Challenge. Sire of 462 money-earners, $8,147,529, earners of 3,250 AQHA points, including NIEVAS ($362,794 and 48.5 AQHA points: NCHA Non-Pro Co- World Champion), GEORGE C MERADA ($358,658 and 36.5 AQHA points: NCHA World Champion Gelding; NCHA Hall of Fame), JJS CATLESS MERADA ($172,422: Breeders Inv. Open Classic Reserve Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), FORT WORTH PIPELINE ($165,048: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse), TIGER ONAGOLDLEASH ($129,629: split 5th NCHA Limited Non-Pro Futurity), FLO LIKE A CAT ($124,439: NCHA $3 Reserve World Champion). His dam is JOSEPHS BLUE BELLE Maternal grandsire is JOSEPHS GOLD, RHAA money-earner; sire of 13 money-earners, including JOSEPHS CATCHUM ALL ($16,377 and 135.5 AQHA points: AQHA High Point Senior Versatility Ranch Horse, Superior Versatility Ranch Horse), MISS MAGGIES JOSEPH ($7,887 and 21 AQHA points), SHEZA RED GOLD ($3,943), MISS SEVEN TWO SEVEN ($3,120 and 112 AQHA points), JOSEPHS YELLOW CHICK (RHAA Cowboy Horse of The Year Champion). QData-CB 12/2024

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Sydney Granberg Jo Bunny Boy April 20, 2023 Gray Gelding



Dual Rey { Hiccup N Play


Play Dual Rey

Jo Dual Rey Roan

Skipa Star Shiner Barbs Honey Ace High Cowboy


Barbs Honey Shiner

Jo Bunny Boy 6281030

{ HR Little Starlett Traveler Last Chance { Bunny Blue Roany

Skipa Star Shiner


Jo Ima Bunny

Travelers Blue Bunny

NOTES: JO is good natured and a fast learner. He is 14.2 hands and a people pleaser. He trailer loads, ties good, saddled with ease, stands for the farrier, bathes and is easy to catch. JO will make a powerful working ranch horse. His sire is JO DUAL REY ROAN, Son of PLAY DUAL REY, $134,031 and 439.5 AQHA points: AQHA World Show Superhorse; AQHA Reserve World Champion Senior Reining Horse; Congress Team Roping Challenge Open Champion; 3rd NRCHA Derby Bridle Spectacular Open; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping, Heading and Heeling; Superior Reining. Sire of 21 money-earners, 12 AQHA point-earners, including MR HOO RAY ($41,557 and 36.5 AQHA points: top 10 NRCHA Open Futurity), PLAYING WITH REY ($37,471: NRCHA Limited Open Derby Champion), PLAY SALLY PLAY ($32,553: finalist NRCHA Open Stallion Stakes), REYZN DEBRA ($13,714: Southwest RCHA August Limited Open Futurity Champion) His dam is JO IMA BUNNY Maternal grandsire is SKIPA STAR SHINER; sire of JO SASSY STAR (4th National Rope Horse Development Program Lubbock Judged Heading Futurity Open). Son of ACE HIGH COWBOY, 15 AQHA points: Open Perf. ROM). He is by COWBOYS ACE HIGH, 67 AQHA points: AQHA Champion. Sire of COWBOYS INTIMIDATOR (AQHA point-earner), HEZA ACE HIGH (24 AQHA points: Circuit Champion Arizona Sun Country Aged Halter Stallion), ST COWBOYS FANTASY (AQHA point-earner). QData-CB 12/2024



Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Millie McGinnis Stylish Heated May 17, 2023 Red Roan Gelding



Hollywood Dun It Riv O Lena War Leo Jr



Hollywood Heat Leo Night Glo

Heated Night

{ Les' Night Glo Peptoboonsmal { Moms Stylish Kat Freckles Playboy

Stylish Heated 6286195

Peptos Stylish Oak


Playful Stylish Oak


Playful Kim

Kimberlena NOTES: Rocky stands 13.2 hands and is built like a tank. He is athletic to work with and has been saddled 20 times and never offered to buck. His sire is HEATED NIGHT, $9,347 and 333.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Tie- Down Roping; finalist AQHA World Judged Junior Open Tie-Down Roping; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping, Heading and Heeling. Sire of 3 money-earners, including MISTER BAR NIGHT ($12,669 and 35 AQHA points: 4th ARHFA World Championship Judged Open Heeling Futurity), MS HEATED FRECKLES (Elite Summer SIZZLE Extravaganza Barrel Racing Youth 5D Champion), SHES A NIGHT CIRCLE (70 AQHA points: finalist AQHA World Judged Senior Heading Level 2 Open, Superior Heading), TIME TO GOOGLE IT (AQHA point-earner). His dam is PLAYFUL STYLISH OAK Maternal grandsire is PEPTOS STYLISH OAK, $5,680: 3rd Australia NCHA Open Derby. Sire of 379 money- earners, $4,175,032, earners of 1,154 AQHA points, including PEPTOS STYLISH SUE ($226,056: finalist NCHA Open Futurity), REDNECK STYLE ($185,668: Tunica Cutting Non-Pro Classic Co-Champion), ONE ROAN PEPTOS ($170,762: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Reserve Champion; Australian NCHA Hall of Fame), STYLISH SCOTTI ($88,721: PCCHA Open Classic/Challenge Reserve Champion), ESKDALE WEST ROOSTER (AUS) ($86,463: Australia NCHA Open Futurity Champion), PIMPED OUT PEPTO ($79,289: PCCHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion). QData-CB 11/2024

Justin Walkup Bits & Spurs Post, TX 806-241-1390

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Myra McGinnis Hot Eyed May 12, 2023 Dun Gelding



Hollywood Dun It Riv O Lena War Leo Jr



Hollywood Heat Leo Night Glo

Heated Night

{ Les' Night Glo

Hot Eyed 6286194

Mr Baron Red Ima Tyree Classy Ty


Two Eyed Red Buck


Classy Eyed 015

{ Conchos Lady 015

Classy Lady 015

NOTES: Scar is a big boned stout ranch horse and 14 hands tall. He is powerful when he moves, but still pays attention. He has been saddled 20 times and ground driven a handful of times times with a ring snaffle. His sire is HEATED NIGHT, $9,347 and 333.5 AQHA points: 3rd AQHA High Point Junior Tie-Down Roping; finalist AQHA World Judged Junior Open Tie-Down Roping; AQHA Performance Champion; Superior Tie-Down Roping, Heading and Heeling. Sire of 3 money-earners, including MISTER BAR NIGHT ($12,669 and 35 AQHA points: 4th ARHFA World Championship Judged Open Heeling Futurity), MS HEATED FRECKLES (Elite Summer SIZZLE Extravaganza Barrel Racing Youth 5D Champion), SHES A NIGHT CIRCLE (70 AQHA points: finalist AQHA World Judged Senior Heading Level 2 Open, Superior Heading). His dam is CLASSY EYED 015 Maternal grandsire is TWO EYED RED BUCK, $8,975 and 279 AQHA points: AQHA Reserve High Point Junior Heading Champion; 4th AQHA High Point Junior Heeling; 5th AQHA High Point Junior Tie-Down Roping; AQHA High Point Heading Stallion; top 10 AQHA World Aged Halter Stallion; AQHA Champion; Superior Heading; Superior Heeling; ROM Halter. Sire of 104 money-earners and earners of 9,886 AQHA points, including TWO ID SHOOTER BUCK ($38,521 and 798 AQHA points: AQHA World Judged Senior Open Heeling Champion; AQHA Champion), RED BUCK DUNIT ($32,324 and 1,163 AQHA points) QData-CB 12/2024

MC Ranch Horse 2023 High Seller

Tens Blue Bell

Hip No.

Hip No.

Consigned by Campbell Pegues Aqh Rockin Roan 9 May 17, 2023 Red Roan Gelding



Cats Merada { Chex Party Mix 601 Zack Schmidt { Dual Red Boon Rockin W { Tens Blue Fifteen Tens Blue Bell { Sea Of Personality


Harvard 412

Cats Trippin 417

Angies Heart Throb

Aqh Rockin Roan 9 6287635

Fifteen Rockin


Tens Rockin Reydar

Tens Roan Hancock

NOTES: Oakley stands 13.2 hands and is a very nice stout well rounded colt. He loads, stands for the farrier, lunges, stands to be saddled, washes and ties. His "need to please" attitude and his attention demanding looks make him stand out in a pen of horses. His sire is CATS TRIPPIN 417, His first foals arrived in 2020. A grandson of CATS MERADA, $177,900: 3rd NCHA Super Stakes Open Classic; 3rd NCHA Open Classic/Challenge. Sire of 462 money-earners, $8,147,529, earners of 3,250 AQHA points, including NIEVAS ($362,794 and 48.5 AQHA points: NCHA Non-Pro Co-World Champion), GEORGE C MERADA ($358,658 and 36.5 AQHA points: NCHA World Champion Gelding; NCHA Hall of Fame), JJS CATLESS MERADA ($172,422: Breeders Inv. Open Classic Reserve Champion; NCHA Bronze Award), FORT WORTH PIPELINE ($165,048: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse), TIGER ONAGOLDLEASH ($129,629: split 5th NCHA Limited Non-Pro Futurity). His dam is TENS ROCKIN REYDAR A granddaughter of ROCKIN W, $329,722: NCHA Open Futurity Champion; top 10 NCHA Open Derby. Sire of 169 money-earners, $1,970,728, 25 AQHA point- earners, including ROCKIN KW ($216,686: AQHA World Champion Junior Cutting Horse), ROCKIN THOSE TRICKS ($138,133: NCHA $50,000 Amateur Co-Reserve World Champion), ROCKIN SALLYCAT ($125,033: split 3rd NCHA Open Futurity). QData-CB 12/2024

orse H Q



N - A



Hay Farm

Dilley,TX ■ Delivery Available ■ 210-218-9097

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