2017 Q4



Sandi Rupprecht 2017 NADOA President

My year as President of NADOA for 2017 is ending in December. I have enjoyed the camaraderie and friendships I have developed with the members of the board and many of you whom I have met along the journey. I will truly miss my frequent interactions with everyone. As the year comes to an end, I want to reflect on the accomplishments made by the 2017 Board on behalf of the membership. • As of November 2017, our membership is at 1211. We have accepted 129 new members this year. • 2017 was the inaugural year for the digital NADOA Newsmagazine, saving the association over $20,000. • The digital Newsmagazine has the capability of video and voice ads and articles as well as print ads and articles. • We held a total of 6 Webinars in 2017. Average attendance has been 128 people per webinar. • The 2017 salary survey results are posted to the members section of the NADOA website. All completed results are viewable (once logged in) at: http://www.nadoa.wildapricot.org/page-1709228 • The By-Laws were updated to include the use of electronic voting by the Board members. • The By-Laws were updated to add attending one Board meeting electronically (if necessary) by Go-to-Meeting. • The 2017 Institute was postponed due to Hurricane Harvey. • NADOA should make made a small profit in 2017. • The Silent Auction held at Institute raised approximately $2,725 for 2018 Scholarships to Institute in Nashville, TN. It was encouraging to see all the CDOA’s in attendance at the 2017 Institute. A co-worker was impressed that so many attended and were recognized for their accomplishment. We can be proud of our 30-year old CDOA program and the quality of people who have obtained certification. Looking forward, I see an organization that is growing with the times using Facebook, Instagram and other forms of social media to keep everyone up to date on NADOA happenings. We are embracing new technologies in our workplaces and being educated in new ways. Even with these advances, I still recognize the need for hands on education. I urge you to work with your managers and supervisors to be able to attend Institute in Nashville in September 2018. The cooperative learning and ability to hear presentations and take part in the question and answer portions of the presentations is priceless. My role as Board Advisor in 2018 will be fun as I contact many of you to run for a Board position in NADOA. It is an experience I would not trade for anything. I have made lifelong friends and have grown to appreciate our differences in geographic areas. NADOA Rocks.

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