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Prices are high right now due to the pan- demic, and nothing is being done to bring them down. Add that onto the huge distri- bution centre project that will need water and electricity extended to the south of the 417, and infrastructure is easily the biggest immediate concern. Physical infrastructure isn’t the extent of it, though. Assaly, Mayor Mario Zanth of Clarence-Rockland, and Mayor Stéphane Sarrazin of Alfred-Plantagenet all mentioned high-speed internet as a concern of theirs, especially considering it’s been in the works for a while now. Aside from being a huge quality-of-life improvement, high-speed internet would allow more people to work from home, easing up on stress and stimulating the economy. Even in Hawkesbury, which already has Bell 'JCSF UIFTFSWJDFJTFYQFOTJWFBOEOPUBT widespread as it could be. Assaly, Zanth, Sarrazin, and Mayor 'SBOÉPJT4U"NPVSPG-B/BUJPOBMMBMTP mentioned they’d like to see more affor- dable housing in the region. Restarting the

With the federal election concluded, everyone is waiting to see how the Liberal minority government will support Eastern Ontario communities. With the highly contentious snap election done and no change in the status quo to be seen, people are wondering: what now? The federal government hasn’t changed hands, staying a Liberal minority, and the pandemic is still going strong. The mayors of eight &BTUFSO0OUBSJPNVOJDJQBMJUJFTXFJHIFE JO with what they think the most important local issues are. Infrastructure was the biggest issue the mayors commented on. Mayor Paula Assaly of Hawkesbury, Mayor Robert Kirby of East Hawkesbury, Mayor Pierre Leroux of 3VTTFMM5PXOTIJQ .BZPS/PSNBOE3JPQFM of Champlain Township, and Mayor Daniel Lafleur of Casselman all cited infrastructure as their main concern; roads and bridges need repairs, and the money just isn’t there without help from the federal government. PETER LOAN DINING & CATERING Tuesday to Thursday from 11 am to 2 am Friday from 11 am to 8 am Sunday from 8 am to noon Colombian Foyer Bar Open Mon. through Sat. from 11 am to 2 am Check out our daily specials EVERYTHING IS MADE FROM FRESH

Les Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell attendent de voir ce que fera le gouvernement fédéral - photo d’archive

seems we go one step ahead and then go backwards again,” he said. “I don’t want to be completely negative, but progress is slow, and we need people to cooperate if we want it to speed up. It’s not just the government, it’s not just healthcare, but everyone has to work as a team.”

economy is important, and the jobs are there, but there simply aren’t enough people to fill them all. More affordable housing would draw people to the region and have them fill vacant positions. Kirby was the only one to mention ending the pandemic. “I know everyone’s trying to help, but it



'$. IBTBTVQQPSUHSBOU GVOE UPBTTJTU municipalities with their asset management planning. Projects that are considered “sho- vel ready” may get priority consideration from the province for funding help. Gendron recommended applying for an

'$.NVOJDJQBMNBOBHFNFOUHSBOUUPIFMQ cover 80 per cent of the cost for a Drinking Water Master Plan and also a State of Infras- tructure review report. He estimated about a year needed for the entire report process and will identify necessary upgrades.

Alfred-Plantagenet Township council and staff are looking ahead to the muni- cipality’s future growth with an updated strategy on local water use. Municipal Engineer Jonathan Gendron presented a report to council during its August 17 session about a possible source Le canton d’Alfred- Plantagenet demandera une subvention pour aider à couvrir les coûts de création d’un plan directeur pour les besoins en eau potable de la municipalité. of funding aid to help with the costs of desi- gning a Drinking Water Master Plan for the township. “The Lefaivre drinking water system provides potable water to the villages of Lefaivre, Alfred, Plantagenet,” Gendron stated. 5IF'FEFSBUJPOPG$BOBEJBO.VOJDJQBMJUJFT




que des employés et des propriétaires de commerces ont été victimes d’agressions verbales et de menaces, alors que la preuve obligatoire de vaccination pour entrer dans certains établissements est entrée en vigueur hier, a déclaré M. Zanth dans le communiqué. Je demande sincèrement aux résidents et aux clients de ne pas intimider les employés, de jeunes étudiants pour la plupart. Les entreprises ne font que suivre MFTEJSFDUJWFTEFMBQSPWJODFEFM0OUBSJP*MT n’ont pas le choix s’ils veulent rester ouverts après des mois de fermeture. Ces serveurs, hôtesses et propriétaires d’entreprises sont nos amis, nos voisins, nos enfants. Ils ne méritent pas d’être victimes d’intimidation simplement pour avoir fait leur travail.»

Les menaces et les abus ne seront pas tolérés envers les personnes qui essaient simplement de faire leur travail. Cela ne fait que quelques jours, mais les mauvaises attitudes ont déjà rendu les choses difficiles pour les résidents de Clarence-Rockland. Le programme de QBTTFQPSUWBDDJOBÊUÊMBODÊFO0OUBSJPMF 22 septembre, et certaines personnes sont tellement contrariées qu’elles s’en prennent à des employés qui ne font que leur travail. Le maire de Clarence-Rockland, Mario Zanth, a publié une déclaration officielle concernant ce comportement. «J’ai été très déçu et attristé d’apprendre

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